Getting promoted to supervisor reddit

Getting promoted to supervisor reddit. I am sharing the method that helped me to get this senior management promotion. I may get downvoted, but whatever. Everyone will want to interact the same way, and that just can’t happen. I want someone who makes my life easier, not makes more work for me. You have to do your day job; on top of the supervisory stuff like timesheets, rating performance appraisals, conflict resolution with employees. . You won’t start as a manager, but if you are manager material, it’s realistic that you could get promoted to supervisor within a year, which I have seen many times. Usually these people think they’re great and whine a lot about not being promoted. Getting a manager position will take longer. I found out a couple days ago that I got accepted to become a security supervisor at another hospital. At the very last minute, HR (for unknown reasons) switched me to a 1-year temporary position to be converted to permanent employment after one year. Our subreddit is primarily for… T3/SysAdmin usually deal with other techs or managers. So I don’t really care about that, id rather just work on my Waitering skills. There is no one at my level who manages a team half as large as mine, especially not doing business-critical work. It might be hard for your SM to give up, but it's really important to the health of a store. 50. i’ve been doing the port jobs for like 30 Sasquatch days & i’m pretty sure i’ve been promoted in the forklift and crane, i have passed a lot of security nights as well but still haven’t been promoted and i want to start stealing from the port 😂. I received a 3. I am new to federal employment and started in December 2019 as a GS-9 and was due for a promotion to GS-11 in December 2020. 3. My sales sup jokes about him & I already getting paid the same amount which I hope isn’t true. You have to apply online. I'm using it as time to polish soft skills such as leadership, project planning, and time management. Just remember that every move you make is analyzed and reanalyzed. Being a Callcenter supervisor ist an extremely lazy Job, hence people will promote bros and likely make your Life miserable, If one of your supervisors notices, that youre after their Job. She is much older than me and per her resume she has more work experience than me. 5 years). Attention. $17 is base pay for a new supervisor, AFAIK. I don't know the reasons behind it, but the If you feel that your performance warrants additional compensation or a title change, that's something to discuss during a review. 6. definitely definitely get trainer certified first is the biggest advice i have, most of the questions they ask in the shift lead interviews are centered around what coaching abilities you may have. My supervisor has submitted all the necessary paperwork to promote me in December 2020 but HR has not followed through on their end. Then again, we don't get raises or special bonuses as supervisors where I work, we make the same as agents, so I'm not sure if my 'promotion' is really all that it's cracked up to be. You can ask for intern or apprentice and even state thinking about the promotion. I started my career at a 100k+ people sized company. ) You were never consulted about this decision; you were treated like an Approve/Reject decision and your boss never talked about this with you. Yep. He had an excellent performance review last year and even agreed to lead some projects. This is Step 2. Promoting makes a clearer distinction between internal responsibilities and external Make sure the manager knows that. "Don't walk around with the air that you deserve it, because that sense of entitlement is going to get you nowhere. Leverage that, make it clear in 1:1s what strengths they have that you want to help them propagate into the rest of the team, especially when it's a strength you don't share. When things go wrong, crap rolls uphill and the boss is responsible to the company. I learned that promotion date and pay increase Being a shift is like being a politician. Here's the real 3 steps for promotion. 1)Either they have zero clue how to manage. For me it's been: train in every area. " Confidence is one thing; arrogance is another. 92/95 DM opening soon (due to current DM transfering), and Dept. I got this job about a year ago. 2. They’re late or call out Planning and Scheduling. Target weak points of the business. Check it in the last page of your stats. I've been a supervisor at my company for about 3 years now. Changed agencies (Dept of Defense USAF) became an GS-11 (4 years), promoted to GS-12 (3. I also am lucky to work at a place that discourages overtime, so I have extra time outside of work to study, learn to draw, and get in better shape. Your supervisor resigns from his/her position. You will only be promoted if you have somebody that can replace you. I just got promoted to supervisor over 3 people. Train them, set them up with the right tools and YOU must publicly respect them. Use index finger of free hand to massage prostate of your superior. Say stuff like you like working here, but you feel undervalued etc and mention other offers. Don't be afraid to delegate tasks. Each one is different, and so will have different responsibilities, expectations, and pay. I can't tell- when I look at the listings it only tells me the title "department supervisor". Can’t let things slide, or else it’s going to be constant sliding, and then you lose your high performers. Secondly your no longer in the union so your no longer protected and can be fired at a seconds notice. If I were promoted to the higher position, I’d have to put much more effort into hitting the minimum monthly metrics that I’m easily doubling in my current position. What is the reason in "surpassing the expectations" if I am getting this humiliating raise which is considerably lower than inflation. We’ve all had or heard of similar stories. There is a lot of responsibility involved and the paycheck often does not match that. You didn't get promoted because (from this thread and your post) you clearly don't even understand the qualities that make a good supervisor. A lot of the time people think being a good worker means promotion into a management role. For context, she is taking over another department as manager, so needs to offload some responsibilities. I tried talking and emailing leadership about opening a discussion about a promotion, and it just seems like they are stonewalling the entire process. director and supervisor and last Thursday my manager sat with me and with my current supervisor to discuss and ask me if i was ready. Starting to See NOT getting promoted as a good thing. Just a joking speculation. 5 years), then promoted to a GS-13 (2. 4 on my performance evaluation and my 1 year mark is in Aug 2022. They can be found on learnet under career path view. Use this time as a T2 to enhance your skills, get certifications and learn lots of more advanced things. This is the first time i've asked for a promotion. XarCad3X. You still can’t live on your own 🤪 🤡 I’m not thanking my boss when she tells me my promotion. "In order to get a promotion, you need to actually be worth it!" says one boss. My boss edited my employee file to show my new title, create me an email, and thy unlocked a new set of training courses on Edge that I had to do within the first I think two weeks of being promoted. It's really not a hard job. I provide my work with something and my work provides me with something. Honestly just came here to vent because I think it’s bullshit. Step 1 is tell him about step 2 and see if things improve. do online trainings for crew trainer. I currently verify insurance authorizations and coverage for patients with hospital radiology appointments, we are swamped with patients all the time, my higher-ups treat us like robots with unrealistic expectations for our production, and my supervisor won’t stop spamming the group chat with memes each day as if I’m not trying to focus on Here's the real 3 steps for promotion. 1. fill out crew trainer application. The person goes, gets the promotion, is much happier, more respected, and actually set up for success to possibly promote again if they want. You are expecting your boss to back up what he claims as options for growth. So those are the main 2 points and to elaborate if you are looking to become a driver and make a career at UPS don’t take a management/supervisor job but if you are going to college need the Co worker got promoted to supervisor now wants to fire me I have been working at my job for 23 years (we overhaul aircraft components). 14. I have a little more than a year and half of experience with security. Good luck, lasted 14 months as a supervisor (had been a tech/specialist for 10 years prior) and it was the longest year of my life. If the manager wants to keep you, a promotion is likely. He is keen on getting the promotion and would talk about his plans of staying with the company at least for the next few years. Like I’m thankful for getting a promotion but reality check…. Award. Reply. I'm at online learning bit now. also in my specific situation i made it very known to my store manager that i was interested in building a more sustainable career within starbucks Promotion Delay Question - GS 9 to GS 11. About 5 years ago a new guy “Dave” gets hired a highly competitive guy, and right away is becomes the snitch and kiss ass. Once the modules are done, you can internally apply to an open supervisor req. boss. Plan ahead. Hello, I promoted as QA lead and I have 4 direct reports, I am working in this project since 3. Get to your shift early to plan your plays and make a list of everything you need to do for your shift. I recently read a few Glassdoor reviews of current and former employees sharing that my agency doesn’t promote from within even though some hiring managers mention this during the interview. Stick to the facts, prepare for your appraisals and supervision and out your name to all of the good work that you do. Financially it doesnt make any sense. Basically, I get paid per hour for every time I am not welding. If he gets really unbearable, Go to HR and explain that your supervisor told you "I'm your supervisor, you're my bitch" while working. You'll go in with big ideas, but soon realize that doing things the way they've been done is the easiest way to go. To be promoted, you have to complete the shift supervisor modules first. You need to show management that you have the skills and are capable of the next level up. Now unless your position has known promotion potential (which you’d know from day one), you’re not going to become a GS-14 simply because your boss quit. It is about a $5 raise with more hours and more perks. Reply reply. A couple of points I'd add. . That would get you to the top of the pay scale + 1. Emphasize that you are a valuable employee, ask for a promotion and a raise, and justify it by explaining how much value you deliver for the business. 5%. If not, you have your promotion, with the caveat moving to another org is always a risk. So those are the main 2 points and to elaborate if you are looking to become a driver and make a career at UPS don’t take a management/supervisor job but if you are going to college need the If you're the kind of supervisor who spends all day messaging people on Facebook whilst simultaneously refusing to take any escalations (basically about 70% of the TLs in my old workplace), you suck at your job and were probably promoted through the Peter Principle or nepotism. Just promoted to supervisor at the mall nearby, not sure where to start. r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. They’re late or call out Here are some things to keep in mind: They've seen your work and likely know your strengths and weaknesses and you should know theirs. It was in my area, at least, so anything above that is great. I haven’t been promoted due to lack of openings. 7. I managed to get promoted go GS-12 and have my employment terminated on the same day. Just to add, know the company guidelines for promotion. I’ve been outperforming everyone in my remote position for months. Asking doesn't hurt, present your case to your manager, let her know why you will be a good fit to your management team, and that you're certainly ready to take on more responsibilities and challenges. I prefer to have longevity and stability, but if my present job is not providing me enough, it’s my prerogative to leverage it for any value that it has in terms of money, experience, and more, and one of the primary uses for that is getting a better-fit job. I was asking because it is pretty common in the lab to not want to be a supervisor. People are constantly asking me to join client calls that I have no interest in, work on random garbage, and join even more calls where I’m asked to pretend that I’m knowledgeable on issues that I know nothing about when pitching Same here! I like my team and have been enjoying the supervisor role. Sometimes management just passes over a really good employee so going to another warehouse is the only way, I've seen it happen a lot. Managers love those who take initiative and if she feels that you're ready, she'll promote I am supposed to offer promotion to an employee, but I recently found out that he had been applying for jobs in different companies. It may feel better to you to be humble, but if you don’t tell the people making the decisions about how good you are, no one will. Not sure if that's just in my district or region/state-wide. Threatening to quit to get the promotion I’ve been promised. I told my boss I wanted a promotion and be said he'd try didn't get promoted. Didn’t get promoted after having a great review. A lot of this isn't relevant depending on the size of the company. Work hard, learn lots, then you can get your promotion to PM. Walmart is really weird sometimes. I've seen a lot of shifts take some time to figure that out. Advise needed- I am promoted as QA lead and dealing with direct reports. Only difference is the supervisors have a supervisory in front of the <job series>. The only way at that point to have your position become a GS-14 level position is for HR to reclassify it as such. He talked his way into a promotion and was almost instantly turned into a human walkie talkie. It did not happen, I got just 3. What should I expect? I've been a guard for 5 years now, I've always been on the short end of the stick, now it's my turn to shake the stick. But generally it's about being able to sell your skills. Procore knowledge, a PM, certification, and a masters degree are no substitute for experience. Service Supervisor = you work in the checkout department of the store, delegate jobs to co-staff (and make sure they are fairly rotated), help staff when they need it, deal with customer complaints/enquiries/returns, count the tills at the end of the day, answer the phone, empty the self serve checkouts and a few other things Shakooza. Just got promoted to Supervisor. The last possibility is the mere fact that your manager occupies that one role you can get promoted to; until that guy leaves, you're not getting promoted anywhere. Be flexible. I told my boss I need to be paid X in salary and Y performance bonus per year or you'll likely lose me in January (it was around 3 weeks). Put your partners on their best positions during peak, then switch them around afterwards. This is absurd! Neither director of department nor my supervisor decided to fight for me in this. I hate telling people what to do tho, as I hate being told what to do myself. Insert shaft fully into mouth, being careful not to let your teeth touch it. 3, be friends or family of someone from c level. I currently manage one of the largest teams of any manager in my division, doing extremely critical work that funds the entire organization. Schedule a meeting, talk about your career path, ask about your deficiencies, ask if they have a plan for you at the next level, if they see you taking the next steps and what the timeline is. Remember, a T2 can advance to things outside of the normal "tier" structure. The next year, I didn't get promoted either. getting promoted Hello, I have a question regarding promotions at work. Enjoys the fruits of your labor. The only reason I was able to go to a GS-15 from a 13 was I am technical expert in my field and also I was in a demonstration pay scale. heard this other unloader got like 60 hrs a week cos his store only had 3 unloaders. 5 years and one persona joined 1. They don’t act quickly or decisively. Maybe they are promoting you to a job you cannot do, and then fire you for it. Admiration. If you don't want to ask tenured employees (or your seniors) about the company's promotion culture, go to documented source like company website, emails, SharePoint, shared drive, etc. Related Topics Best Buy Consumer electronics S&P 500 Electronics industry Finance Consumer discretionary sector Business, Economics, and Finance Business Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 14 comments If I were to be promoted, I would make less (about $20,000 USD per year) than I do now. I was entry level and after 2 years performing the same duties as people 5 pay grades above me. Bingo. I think I need to address this with HR or my line manager. I see work as a reciprocal resource. That’s a big no, you might be a good worker but lack the skills to manage and lead. Get that down while you're an ASM. When my now boss extended the offer, she said that they see me moving up within a year. Don't go in emotionally, you need to be calm and provide examples of your additional worth. Could be the Peter Principle: "Rise to the level of your incompetence". 4/13 DM opening in September (due to retirement). I was being considered for the first two, and I've made it known to management that I'm interested in the latter two as well if I don't get promoted to either of the first With or without the promotion my salary is not a livable one. Everyone who works there got hired that way. Please dont ever tell or hint to you boss that you are going to quit unless you plan to walk at that very moment. Maybe they want to get rid of you, but you are not doing anything that bad, perhaps you are in a protected class of worker. I've been at my company for 2 years and today my boss called me out of the blue to ask if I'd like to become the department supervisor. 5. Congrats on the promotion. 40 DM open, Cap 2 Supervisor open, and Dept. I accepted a full-time permanent position with my agency last year. Bring it up seriously. Shift supervisor trainee is a role for external hires, not internal promotions. You work hard, deliver results and you are right a lot yet you struggle to get noticed and see opportunists getting ahead. I’ve been here about a year and was promoted after 3 months to a supervisor position because I caught on quickly and was able to train new hires efficiently as well as problem solve and figure things out Hi All, I came into the government at a GS-11 on a career ladder to GS-13. Anyone have any unique cool ideas on how to be a successful Waiter/Supervisor? One way to prove yourself is get an offer for a promotion from another company, and show (not share) the manager. As someone who works at Costco and put in for a supervisor position (everyone thinks I'll get it and is actually expecting me to do so) I needed to hear this. Is it possible to get promoted when your supervisors yell at you at least once a week? I always give 100% at work. You will have to start as a project coordinator (or project engineer) at the bottom like everyone else. There is Dept. I was recently promoted to manager and it’s made me incredibly unhappy. No-one starts as a PM straight out of university. Promoted to manager and it’s awful. Got promoted to Supervisor over a couple employees at my work. Many sups that get “promoted” regret it. train people. In that time I've had a number of people that I know outside of work come to work for me. I've never been late to work (usually 20+ mins early to each shift), I always say yes when asked to stay back, and I always try to walk quickly, work fast and keep a positive attitude. Friends vs. Yesterday my supervisor approched me and askes me if I want to be the supervisor for the evening shift. get verified in every area. Noting that I had to go anywhere for or do anything like that Before this promotion, I stayed at the same level as Director for 8 years. Don't be afraid to branch out- I had to move stores entirely to get a promotion to ARA. While your soft skills are great in the T2 role, they won't help you stand out in a T3 or higher role. Honestly though, I love it - I get to interact with my fellow employees more often than customers, and I help make the call flows smoother for a lot of people. Find a quiet moment when you can speak one-on-one with your general manager (or however this industry works) in a private place. and even if your boss likes you or not. •. You may also email HR or your supervisor. Left that organization and was promoted to a GS-15 (4 years). I hope it will take you much less time to get your dream promotion to the top. My boss told me I didn’t get promoted due to being young. If they ask you can say you have competitive offers without disclosing anything. 5 years back. The resulting conversation he'll have with his bosses should bring him back to reality right quick. Know what's happening in your community so you won't get slammed out of the blue due to a nearby event. The next possibility is that other people at that level might not like you as a person, and would rather have someone else. Work is getting blocked because there's no explicit lead - though a manager doesn't really need a promotion to address this. I've worked with TLs like this. They don’t learn fast and on their own. One of the times it was an associate who wasn't even a good worker just a huge bullshit artist. I’m getting promoted to become my dept. I will have my yearly review this week and plan on bringing this up as a main sticking point. You might be good at what you do period and are not worth promoting. One store is probably not going to have enough movement to get you there in a short timeframe. ) This supervisor often makes up lies and false allegations against me which she brings up to our manager to try and stop me from getting a promotion. week 20 and 21 im 48 hrs. I was previously over 2 people being their "Go-To" for training, questions, and planning out different analyses. Get accurate availability. Getting promoted from supervisor to overall warehouse manager At my surrender position I'm salary at 46k a year but being promoted from warehouse supervisor to warehouse overall manager. It took me 8 years to shape a method that worked, through many failures. Ask for promotion and threaten to leave otherwise. But when I joined in this application, there was If you interview well over the phone that is helpful. Then negotiate a my typical yearly salary increase in addition. My supervisor, who used to be a welder by the way used to make the same amount I am Hello! Close by (same region) and just got promoted around a month ago. I assumed if selected they would then assign me to a department. Some were just acquaintances, others were friends. We have to answer top the boss, but they take ther brunt of it. So why take a promotion and have to be thankful for still living in poverty. Then, my supervisor told me that I would get 5% raise. Of course this a rule of thumb that will not apply depending on your type of job, performance, company’s organization, aptitude etc. Stay calm and don't let yourself get flustered or frustrated. Co worker got promoted to supervisor now wants to fire me I have been working at my job for 23 years (we overhaul aircraft components). Getting promoted is often -next to hard work, delivering results and being right a lot- heavily influenced by managers’ and executives’ mental bandwidth. You're most likely going to have to do the same if you're dedicated to getting to Supervisor and beyond. I was mainly just curious which departments have supervisors, to try and get an idea going into ADMIN MOD. The thing is, it seems like they're just trying to avoid hiring a new manager for the other department. Has anyone seen these rent prices. I wouldn't necessarily use your supervisor's stress level as the ultimate measure of stress for the job. Being the best at your job compared to peers also does not get you promoted. I will be moving not super far so that is a bonus. Was already in discussion with the overall manager about moving up to 52k a year but now that I'm taking over the whole facility would asking for 56/57k be too Bingo. A lot of times I would hold myself back, instead falling back on a role where others who were promoted became dependent on me to "earn their paycheck" (this and past jobs) I did the same thing after getting a promotion without a raise. They’re slow. Don't forget to schedule sets/inventory counts. We'd get one of the regular cap 2 promoted and they wouldn't tell anyone. Requirements for the Position are: Get along well with everyone in your Job and get Them to ask you about everything work related. If I am not mistaken, supervisors here make $32-$33/hr. povsquirtle. tips on being promoted is pretty simple: work hard, dont complain, kiss ass or get a college degree. Typically the folks getting promoted that often are part of the high performer program where they get additional mentor ship, training etc. Cons: others already mentioned, salary for supervisor and non- supervisor GS13/14/15 are essentially the same. If your supervisor agrees, then get it on paper in your review. Someone is needed to align *outside* of the current team, to better execute against business objectives. I can choose to do overtime now, if I were promoted, no more overtime. I have a good boss, good team, lots of flexibility/remote work and I enjoy the work I do. You need to have at least level 2 in all three jobs. 3M subscribers in the teenagers community. Don't Expect to be Rewarded. Leaving a job. Ok let me first say that I love my job. I did the same thing after getting a promotion without a raise. have interview. verify crew members/other crew trainer jobs (to get my own crew trainer verification) and boom, done. Bob head up and down while working tongue on shaft. They may give you a raise or whatever your demands were, but if you want to be promoted in the future, you should humble yourself and ask for guidance towards the areas you should be working on developing. Here are a few credentials of mine, just to paint the picture; transfer to be a unloader, seems to be normal for unloader at any store to get 40 or more hours per week. A leader has to be a self-starter who solves problems, and fast. 2)If this is just an "why them and not me" bs attitude from their subordinates, which I actually think is the case, YOU need to set their success up. I plan to make the point that I was promoted which included extra workload and responsibility without pay increase, and expect to be provided a pay increase for this promotion with back pay. You just need to do it in a way that you are comfortable with and that comes across well. ) the career growth in your position is less than the potential in this new position. Now I'm officially their supervisor, anybody have tips on managing your team of analysts (tracking performance, helping them grow and learn, etc) So to add context, I am a full time maintenance TM since 2017, and I figured after 5 years going on 6, it's about time to be promoted. gn zw sy ex kk cj vj ep tk oe