How long to bench 225 Also, benching 225 will be generally easier for men as they usually have more muscle mass and strength to support them. When I started my max bench was around 165, now after 3-4 years I can just do one rep at 220. Does being able to do 205 for 4 mean I should be able to hit 225 for 1? Bench PR: 225 to 315 . Significance of the 225 Bench Press. Ok, so you're stuck at 225, so take take 3 2x4's cut about 1' long and have your spotter or a friend hold them on your chest. Use it as a motivator. SO CLOSE TO 20. Just be consistent, eat well and enjoy the process. i'm 5'6 at about 158, 10-ish% bodyfat, and although i haven't attempted a 1rm in a very long time, i can hit 155 for 5. This plan will focus on getting your high-bar back squat and conventional deadlift to 225 in a straightforward, systematic way, using three full-body workouts per week. You should be hitting 215 or 220, then next work out add on 5 to 10 lbs. htltsupps. But I lifted 225 within the first 4 months of working out. I did not intelligently train, was just a gym bro. A 225 bench within a year of training is much more likely. the shorter you get, the more difficult a strict 225 OHP is gonna be. Right now I'd say I bench around 75 pounds. I know it’ll take a while from now, but I can’t wait to hit 315 on bench 3x5x60 bench 5x10x38. How long it took 17 random people to reach 2 plate bench press: Reddit User: Took me ~3 months of bulking to go from 155×1 to 225×4; Reddit User: around 11 months at 76kg – sounds realistic; Reddit User: Took around 4 months to hit 225lbs bench (for 5×5). I want to use that as an excuse but it just isn't good enough, I feel I should have hit 225 now after 8 months of strength training. A 10rm at 225 is roughly 300lbs 1rm, and 145 for 10 is roughly 195lb 1rm. What do you do for your bench training and how long did it take you to get to this weight? How long did it take you to get to this from 225? Have you stayed the same weight your entire training for this or did you bulk up/cut? 275 is insane at your weight Keep lifting, and eventually you'll feel like atlas when you bench 225, when you bench 250, ect but you'll never stop saying "Damn that fkr is strong. On average, it can take anywhere from 12 to 36 months to go from 225 to 315 in the bench press, depending on your You should bench 225 when you've worked up to it, and it shouldn't be a big deal either. The bench press average for a female 20-year-old is 0. And some of u guys gave some pretty accurate answers. The best way to get stronger and better at a lift is to perform it more frequently throughout the week. May 6, 2012 路 I'm a 200#, 44yo male, second time on linear progression. Honestly I have very little muscle definition in my pecs and have what I would consider a weak bench for my size. com/馃憰NEW APPAREL!!!: h Hi fitness fam long time lurker here. 243 votes, 202 comments. After I'll either focus on dumbbell shoulder press or machine flyes or cable flyes. Getting back into bench after taking 2 years off from judo injury and covid im up to a 225x5 for incline bench within a year. For most of us mortals that ain't happening. You need to strengthen your core, shoulder muscles, arms, and even your back and leg muscles. Got up to, at one point, doing 20 reps with 225 bench, but mostly got around 18. You deadlift. 50 40, 34" vertical, 3. I wasn’t able to do 225 for a while but this helped me tremendously, try it! Hey man, if you want that 225 fast you should do bench 2-3x a week and also do more overhead press since it boosts your bench a lot. I stopped lifting for about a year or so and at the beginning of my bench frenzy my 1 rep max I could bench 135 for reps in high school. I'm 5'7, 120 pounds, quite skinny but determined to make gains in the gym. Reasoning for this is I have pretty long arms, I can almost touch my knees. I'm 28 190bw now and on the road to 405 (I'd guess 370 atm). Heaviest I got was 230 and got 315 for 3-4. Obviously, bench press ability does not always translate to success on the field. I hate the bench! The exercises I recommend do go along with bench press are close grip bench, long pause bench, cable chest flies, tricep extensions, Kroc rows and chin ups. I weight ~163 pounds with a small build so for me 225 is quite a bit above my body weight. My highest bench was 225 at 180lb body weight. Bench currently is at 365 at 255lbs BW and it’s taken me 3. Your shoulders will thank you in the long run Learn proper form, don’t bounce, use a small arch and learn to use leg drive I’m 6’3 with a 455 bench, the first time I benched 315 I was 17 as a senior in high school and bench pinky on the rings and have been benching for 20 years pain free I remember being able to put up 225 a year ago for a couple reps(and even worked up to 245-255 with a spot for 1-2 reps), but now I can still only bench 225 after warming up for 1 set of 5 before the second set falls to 4 reps, and then worse from then on. who have a gym membership and are between 15 and 60. true. Mar 3, 2023 路 You can prepare for the 225-pound bench press test using these key drills, Long-armed lineman might use a wider grip, while a pint-size punter might prefers a narrower grip. 4 times body weight. Seeing myself lift heavier weights and progress is really motivating but I was just wondering what a good timeframe is to get strong enough to do 225lbs so I don’t set un realistic How long did it take you to bench 225? Question Title Locked post. Let’s consider what it means to bench 225, how rare it is, and Oct 13, 2023 路 how long to bench 225 pounds? Based on what we've discussed, anticipate lifting an extra 5-8 pounds each month with dedication and consistency, over approximately a year or more. Open comment sort options Jan 24, 2017 路 5 tips to help you FINALLY hit 225 on the bench press. Or 7. I’ll say it again big thick strong triceps are massively important to benching with long arms safely for the long haul The first time I benched 225 I was 16 6’0 and 189lbs First time I benched 315 I was 19 and 230lbs how long? Hard to say. I did 135x7, 185x3, 205x1, and then 225x1. By the age of 19 I was easily doing sets of 8-10 reps with 225 on the bar. Obviously I don't For most guys, the bench press stalls somewhere between 225 and 315 pounds. You’ll get it by spending a lot of time, effort, sets and reps with a lot less weight. 5 in 10000 people. Currently pushing for 315 馃摋FREE TRAINING AND DIET!!!: https://www. I was able to bench 300 but i lost that strength after cutting and dieting for 3 months! Currently @ 275 You go to the gym. That was a couple years ago and my max bench is 300 lbs now, so I'm not a bench God or anything but I definitely got over that hump. uk) As you can see, being able to bench 225 not only increases your strength but can also boost your confidence because having a strong and saucy-looking chest makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. I’m 6’3 with a 6’7 wingspan it took years to add good mass and a lot of big eating. Feb 7, 2024 路 How Long Does It Take Until You Can Bench 225? The journey toward bench pressing 225 pounds is a unique one for each individual. Obviously, these figures are not 100% 34 votes, 28 comments. Dec 8, 2018 路 The bench press has always been one of my weakest lifts and my dream had always been to hit 315. S. I decided to listen to my body again since I felt beat up and did that style of training for about 8 months. I do carry a good bit of body fat thoughGenetics man. These include your training experience, weight, genetics, training frequency, as well as nutrition, rest and recovery. Same with deadlifts they both suck number wise. It’d be one white hair among many. That's massive. In this article, we will explore the timeline for reaching a 225-pound bench press and discuss the Mar 4, 2017 路 A lack of upper body strength hasn’t held Tyrann back. Over this summer i hit my peak at 225 x 18 going NFL rep style at roughly 190 pounds Dirty effin bulk brah. Oct 12, 2021 路 Hitting 225lbs or 100kg on bench press is a big milestone for many people and it definitely felt like that to me. Mar 20, 2019 路 My current bench press 1-RM is close to 170 lbs. ( 5x5 and then on other day 10x4) Oct 30, 2011 路 Ok you are ready to bench press two plates for the first time!!! Here's how to go about it, you should be comfortably getting 175-185 for 10 reps at this point. I'd add 5 lbs to my working sets, then fail, deload by 20 lbs, add 5 more lbs a couple times, fail, etc. What I'm trying to say is that you will never know how long it will take to get to a certain number. Note not all players at the combine participated in the bench press. 5, and today, 3 bottles(1. That rep scheme may be for building mass, but to add plates you need to practice lifting heavy for 1 rep only—this is how you prepare your body for the stress of a max lift. It isn't especially pretty but I can do 2-3 reps at this. Feb 7, 2024 路 Being able to lift 225 pounds on the bench press is a common strength training goal for many individuals. If your goal is to bench 225 pounds or more, you’ve arrived at the right place. This means getting away from 5x5 or 5x3 and looking at 4x8-12 for multiple variations of bench, dips and dumbbell pressing. I could run 4. It won't take too long if you start strengthing the accessory A LONG time. 4x your bodyweight. 225 ain't shit for guys who have been lifting for over a year consistently. So that was 2 years between 225 and 315. Then remove the people who exercise but don't lift Then remove the large percentage of people who only lift for a few months, or do not lift consistently. Even powerlifters rarely test their 1RM. 5, so let's just round up and say 7 reps at 185 equals a 225 bench. I can bench 225 maybe 15-17 times as of now. Of course, this will be d Your 10rm progression will be slower when you get stronger as your 'noob' gains run out. I am on a cut now and can probably hit 225 11-12 times. for about ten years (1999-2010) I didnt do any lifting at all. I can now rep 185x7. But, most of them do hit 225 bench or more. (5'1", 101 lbs, benched 110 for triples today, going for 112. Reply reply Apr 12, 2023 路 How Long to Reach a Bench Press of 225 Pounds The exact length of time it may take a lifter to reach a 225 pound repetition of the bench press will vary greatly, and often be shortened due to certain personal factors such as a history of previous resistance training or a relatively high bodyweight-to-lift ratio. I do long distance cycling on the summer and back country on the winter, so cardio monkey/lifting is what I have been doing to stop from ballooning between the seasons. Just hit a PR of 210lbs on bench. Share Sort by: Best. Do 225 to the '3 board' for 3 reps. Male 20-Year-Olds Apr 28, 2024 路 Even if you’re not quite benching 225 yet, with a dedicated training program where you regularly bench (like Starting Strength or 5/3/1), it shouldn’t take too long to bench 225. Athletes lift this number as often as possible to showcase their strength and endurance. Then i dropped bench and got into olympic weightlifting. Totally possible, if I can get gains like that then you definately can! Dec 13, 2023 路 So, how long will it take to get your bench up to 225 pounds? Looking at the survey from StrongerByScience, it seems like guys were adding 7–8 pounds to their bench each month. The other major thing that helped was a caloric surplus, I’m almost to 220 pounds and I still have an athletic build (blue collar job and cardio). At about month 10 now and can do 235x1. Ive been training for about 5 years. But my starting 1RM was probably around 150lbs – realistic for a beginner if How long to go from 190 to 225 on bench . It took me a year to get to 225. I've known someone to be able to bench 100kg straight out of the gates and then it can take years for other people. And when I peaked on bench, almost 275lbs at 150bw I was benching super wide and just half repping the bottom half. Is that too much? Everyone else in the gym only has 1 bottle. For me to actually bench 225 once, it took about 2 years training, i was very young. He turned into an All-Pro safety. I know we’re all different, but if you’re anything like me, it sounds like you’ve got quite some time before it happens. It wasn't until I was in my mid 20's that I could rep 225 5-ish times. As soon as I realised I was doing it wrong I went from repping 225 to doing 180 ish for doubles/trips. Feb 10, 2020 路 馃摚FREE Download - The 7 Fastest Ways to Increase Your Benchhttp://www. I know it will be a rough estimate but right now I can do 3 sets of 5 of 190. You power clean. Of course I've been lifting for 7 years at this point, weigh 240, and carry a good bit of body fat. I'm 5'10" and 165 lbs, 225 bench is a big deal for us skinny guys. I ran the 531 boring but big 3 month challenge program, continued after 3 months, hit 225 at about month 7. Benching 225 with 225 bodyweight is just not comparable (315 would be the proper equivalent). Bench is a worldwide favourite! The 225 bench Feb 13, 2024 路 The bench press average for a male 20-year-old is 1. When looking at clinical studies, one can get a sense of just how few lifters are actually capable of performing a bench press with 315 pounds. I could maybe do 95Kg for one that's like 195lbs or something. Long version: I used to lift in highschool/college off and on and at my strongest I think I did ~185x6. I have long arms and a relatively short torso. Now, obviously, growth isn’t linear. Warm up to 185 then load up 225. Oct 12, 2022 路 From that day forward, I decided having a small bench press was the worst thing ever, and I made every effort to change it. com/shop/ONLINE COACHING/CUSTOM TRAINING & NUTRITION PLANS: http://www. Took another 6-10 months to comfortably do 225 and feel it in my chest. com/youtubeThe bench press is popular. My program is 6 days a week, and I usually take 1 to 1 hour and 15 minutes. Sometimes life just gets in the way. I got long lanky arms so my bench always sucked. I remember Recently I've been wondering how a 225 bench presser stacks up compared to an average human male. Due to shoulder injuries it took me around 2 years or so to get to 225 lbs. My biggest advice is determine your goals if you really want to bench 315 and that’s your goal then adding weight will help. It was also a pretty big wall for me, but when I got to repping 275 for 5+, 315 just came naturally and pretty easy. Aug 22, 2023 路 In relation, a bench press of 315 pounds or 143 kilograms is considered to be the next major milestone after a 225 pound bench, as it involves three pairs of 45 pound plates, rather than two pairs. How many reps should I bench press? I weigh around 225# and with ok-not-great technique I can manhandle a 225# C&J. This has been a goal of mine for soooo long, ever since I first hit 135 on bench a bit over 3 years ago. A disciplined workout routine also means taking 51 votes, 75 comments. i could probably hit 160 for 1x5, but i've dropped my working weight a bit so i could up my We want to find out how many reps of 185 translates to a 225 bench: 225 = 185 * reps * 0. I'm doing a short program (royally fucked up elbows don't like pulling stuff) where I squat, press, and bench. The highest strength standards I’ve seen were from Stronger by Science, so I asked around the Stronger by Science community. 0333 + 185 Reps = (225 - 185) / (185 * 0. Was around 255 when I was like 20ish, then hit 280 when I was 21 and hit 295 in May, but I’m probably down to 280 or so now that I’ve lost 15 pounds in a cut. 130kg poverty bench checking in here, but for someone with relatively long af arms and struggling with bench for ages, I found doing heaps of back work (like 2x more pulling than pushing) and lots of tricep work has helped me improve this weak point. Aug 24, 2022 路 It refers to using two 45 lb (or 20 kg) plates per side, including the 45 lb barbell, which adds up to 225 lb, or 100 kg. criticalbench. You're almost there!. I was also kind of stuck at 155 for a long while but it eventually started going up. glengillenfitness. Why bench 225 is important (source: dr. I want to be able to do 225 for 25-30 reps, thus I do probably way more warmup reps than needed. Jan 7, 2020 路 As long as you can do no-doubt reps with 225 at the start of the program, you don't need to know what your true one-rep max (1RM) is. Nsuns row 5day, took me about 9 months to hit 315 from around 225, that program took me all the way to 335 before I swapped to his Cap3 cyclical program and that took me to 350 at the current day. Roughly one and a half years after reaching a 225-pound bench press, I began considering the 315-pound bench press. com Nov 2, 2023 路 How Long To Reach A Bench Press of 225 Pounds To reach 225 pounds, it could take between 3-24 months, depending on the individual. Not just people with long arms. It’s estimated that only 0. Do some cuban rotations on the shoulders with 5 pound plates. 450lbs squat 450 lbs dead 230lb bench All with suit/equipment. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned lifter, achieving this milestone requires time, dedication, and a strategic training approach. Technically I should be able to reach 225 in 6 months, but we shall see I just got to 3 plates. By college I could rep 175. I now came say to that I finally bench 225 and I'm going to tell you how I did. As messed up as it sounds, just walk into a Walmart or supermarket and you’ll see what the average person looks like. In fact, you need to do a number of exercises in order to bench 225, and not just bench press itself. For women, a similar strength level is around 110–135 lb (or one 45 lb plate per side), and this guide is equally valid for reaching that goal. Some people I've been talking to say that in 8-9 months they've improved their bench press to lifting 225lbs and that 225lbs is the staple bench press weight that you should be lifting. I did 135lbs bench for 1 rep a month ago, and I just hit 175lbs today for 2 reps. Nov 17, 2021 路 It really depends. What's good everyone! Thanks for checking out my video! In this video, I'll explain how long it would take in order to bench 100kg. It's the lift most guys want to 's I'm currently 7 months in to lifting and started at 115lbs. I did 315 for the first time at “senior week” after I graduated high school… I was relatively hungover and very surprised I got it. How long where you training untill you could press it 1,5 and 10 times? Don't know, 8 months, 30 months (230lbs) I didn't max out my bench press for the first 6 months of training, and when I did max, I got 240lbs. 5'11" 195lbs. Oct 25, 2018 路 The reality is if your maximum bench press is 245 you will be lucky to bench 225 for 2. Fast forward to now. I was a tailback in hs and college. I'm pretty tall and have very long Using personal anecdote, I've been training for 2 years and still can't bench 225 x 1. Just got back to overhead pressing 210. I just started at the gym and I'm just curious as to how long would take the average person with a good diet and devotion to improving to go from benching what I bench now, 75, to benching 150 and my eventual goal, 225. Nov 9, 2022 路 A person can safely bench about 1. I have also noticed that my pushing power is actually low compared to my other lifts. Try different programs. Various factors such as training history, starting bodyweight, and dedication to a training program contribute to the time it takes to achieve this milestone. If everything goes as scheduled, I should be able to get to plates in the next 2-3 months! I mostly bench and OHP on the same day, and I have this weird thing happen whenever I have a bad bench day, high gravity day, you know. gl/qmIBzb Instagram @justiscousins or http://instagram. 275lbs squats for 4-5 reps 335lb deds for 4 215lb bench for 3-4 reps. comMACHINE FITNESS: http://bi My senior year of highschool my max bench press was 265x2 @ 77kgs. I was thinking along the lines of "do you even lift if you can't bench 225?" So that's why the options are the way they are. com/pages/free-training-diet-plan馃拪GET MY SUPPLEMENTS NOW: https://www. The real answer is that few people actually exercise, and benching 225 with no training is unlikely. " if they are doing more than you. I want a big bench solely to work on doing 225 for big reps. Doing the typical pyramid sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps, as many do, isn’t going to unstick it. 9 times body weight. I did 205 for 4 yesterday and I want to try and hit 225 on Saturday. Nowadays I'm closing in on 300 lbs, very slow progress because I've always been plagued with shoulder injuries. Aug 9, 2024 路 To determine the number of repetitions needed to bench press 315 pounds from a weight of 225 pounds, the Epley formula outlined below can be utilized; however, generally, lifters should aim to bench press 225 pounds for approximately 11-13 repetitions before attempting to lift three plates on the barbell. 1 set of 5 of 195 (then 2 sets of 4). Let me tell you how I did it… Hey, i weight a little bit less than you and my bench is stuck around the 225 mark. bar x 10 95 x 10 135 x 10 185 x 6 It was my junior year of high school. thnx My max was stuck around 225 for about a year. co. I did fuck around with programs though, and eventually ended up training bodybuilding style, 8+ reps per set. This bench press calculator can be used to work out your approximate 1 REP MAX bench press. Bench the bar for 15 Bench 135 5 Bench 185 2 Bench 205 1 Now if yall saw my last post couple months back, I ask how many reps of 185 to bench 225. My goal has always been to get to 225. Im 5' 8" and weigh 155 although I could be 135 or 140 if I really worked for it. In other words, benching 225 is just one among several results of a disciplined workout routine. Also, how much do you guys drink? I used to drink 1 bottle(600 ml) and then it became 2, 2. )? If not, how much could I increase my max by at For myself; 185 was a warmup, 10 easy reps. I could bench 225 when I was 16 at 155lbs, and by 18 I could rep it 14 times at 185lbs. First warm up your body with some light cardio, 5 minutes tops. Also ran a 1. Also remember to have hypertrophy and on other day strenght ie. I wouldn't worry about how long it takes, it's supposed to be a lifestyle. Got 315 at about 170bw at 24yo. I probably weighed 205 when I first pushed 225. Took me a I weigh about 225#, I do primarily Crossfit which definitely does not focus on bench. Then 250. Jan 1, 2023 路 A more relevant example would be if you worked out at an entry-level gym with total beginners, a 225 bench at that gym might be impressive. Wide grip heavy weight low reps on chest day, wide grip pause reps on bench before shoulder day and close grip on my arm day. So after 5 years of lifting semi consistently I finally hit a 225 bench for reps. Not the 225 you asked about but pretty close. The best part is probably that I didn’t expect to hit it yesterday. So 3 years out of the now 5 that I've been lifting. Today I will explain how many repetitions of 135 bench it takes to push 225, and most importantly, how long it will take based on your current strength. Pretty sure I was able to bench 225 in under a year with almost zero pec involvement lol. Got to 12 reps in the 180s on bench at 6 foot tall. I am 21 yrs old, 5'5 170. com) My current routine is hitting chest twice a week (Tuesdays and Saturdays). I have thin wrists as well, weigh 170lbs and was in the same position about 10 months ago. However, if you want to know your 1RM, it's not hard to find out—and you don't need to do a brutal 1RM test to do it. I am not what anyone would consider a powerlifter, or a massive guy, but I’ve come a long way – yes, I can bench more than 225 now (two big plates), but I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. I bench 275 for 4 sets of 6 and I see a couple other guys do the same or more in my gym. Majority of my training has been for bodybuilding though, not strength directly. GET STRONGER, FOR FREE: https://goo. Yet, I was able to go from 225 to 325 in one year. The way this bench calculator works is it takes the amount of weight you can bench for a certain number of reps and uses a formula to calculate your approximate 1 REP MAX. I have a powerlifting bench, I bench really wide, down to my sternum and up. See full list on trustyspotter. i was curious how long did it take for… I've been able to bench 225 x 10 reps but I can only bench 275 x 1. You bench to various depths so you can overload train. May 14, 2024 路 To me, lifting is not a race but a marathon. Here you can find the video tutorial that explains how fast can you bench 225 from Jeff Jan 19, 2012 路 Just wondering! Ive been training for almost 4 years and still not able to do this! But, I never knew how important squatting was i did not have it in my program until last year. 5 months to hit 100kg (~225 lbs) for 5 reps. In 6 months I increased my bench by 20kg (from 60/135 to 80/175), but at first I didn't really know about progressive overload and I was still skinny af so it could have taken me less. Then hit a 225 bench when I was 17. 1. Muscle mass scales pretty well with strength, so long term you need to gain muscle, which just takes a long time. I personally just hit 225 3 days ago, and I'm in my 4th month of lifting. Jul 24, 2024 路 How long does it take until you can bench 225? Benching “two plates” is no small feat and joining the 225 bench press club is cause for celebration. Started lifting at 12yo. The next work out after 225 you should be pressing 230, or more if you can. 5 lbs per week = 12 weeks on bench, row, overhead press 90÷15 lbs per week= 6 weeks on squats and deadlift Assuming you don't miss a day and don't plateau. 5 cable crunch 5x5x35 overhead/military press 3x10x20 dumbbell rows 3x10x20 dumbbell bench Oh yeah also managed to do 7 chin ups. Ive been working out for about 8 years now, bench 375 and weigh 240. Jun 14, 2020 路 If you’ve been working out for any length of time, you’ve probably been asked “how much you bench?” The truth is, most guys should be able to lift much more It took me about 6 months to reach 225 but I've always naturally been a bigger guy. Been lifting off and on for yrs. 8 L). Building strength demands patience, so choose workouts like pull-ups, bent-over rows, and deadlifts to expedite muscle gain. felix. 5 years to get here. Oct 9, 2024 路 In this article, we’ll explore how many people can bench 225 pounds and guide you on joining this elite group. In the beginning you shouldn't be worrying about being able to bench 100kg. What I’m saying well, it's definitely possible for a person of average height. Check out what people do with board work. That’s where most guys plateau forever. I can bench 175 for 12, 3 sets. Jan 27, 2014 路 Finally got 135 bench for 7 reps last week feelsgood but its a pathetic lift, was wondering how long would it take to get 225? and what is the fastest way to improve it other then just eating like a animal. I don't do 10-rep sets very often. A couple months later, 220lbs was my working weight (4x6). So I currently can't bench plates yet, BUT I am a very petite lifter with a bench that's a good amount over my body weight. Went from 300 squat to 325 and from 215 bench to 235 (my goal was 225). I did some research, but mostly I just came up with articles like this one fron t-nation that only account for men in the U. We’ll give you some tips on how to bench properly, how to improve your bench, and how to make sure you don’t tear a pec off while benching. May 7, 2024 路 How much time it takes to increase your bench press from 135lbs to 225lbs will depend on various factors. My PR on bench right now is 255 lb and i use 225 for working sets of about 5-6 reps and i wanted to know how long it might take me to reach 315. 90÷7. I felt good about a month ago and did 285 for 3 so I decided I would give it a shot in maybe a month. Sure, have it as long term goal, but definitely don't use it as a way to gauge yourself. If you weigh 230 lbs, and are a dude, it might be what you walk into a gym able to do untrained. Now, I'm doing right around 160-165lbs (I weigh 150lbs at 5'6''). But how long does it take to be able to do Yesterday I hit my two month mark. If you’re naturally slight and have long arms, you’ll take longer to up your numbers in bench. For beginners, it will take longer to develop the size and strength needed to produce enough force to lift 225. New comments cannot be posted. Couple From the 70 kg mark (~155 lbs), it took me ~5. I want to lift weights as long as my body allows it and remain natural unless my dick stop working at 40. 1 How Long Does It Take To Go From 225 To 315 Bench. You get strong by adding 5 pounds to your work set every session. 5 next week). Probably just triceps reserved from bench. I normally focus on bench for various rep ranges/weights to start off with and I do at least 5 or 6 sets. It feels really good to actually see progress. I think bench is my best lift @165lbs. 075% of people in the world can bench 225. 5 times their bodyweight, so benching 225 pounds is realistic for an average man and woman weighing at least 150 pounds. I'll end up working with lower weight for bench to get something in (maybe 10-15% lighter, and end up OHP heavier. Last 6 weeks of school I focused on bulking up squat and bench 1 reps. May 9, 2021 路 How long will a 225lbs bench press take to achieve? And, yes, we’re going to be talking about lbs and kg today. Jun 28, 2011 路 First time I maxed bench was in august of 1999 for football testing… I did 155 at about 165 bodyweight. I started off being able to bench 185x1 and today I benched 225lb for my new max. Enough to where I can't even get135 for 8 anymore when I usually do 225 at most for 8. Advice I am 30yo, 6’1, 250lbs. At the time with just a belt, I could max around 350lbs squat 400lbs dead 215lbs bench. A few things. For those who don’t know, the 225 bench press is notable as the NFL Combine benchmark (2). Jul 25, 2024 路 The time it takes for you to bench 225 depends on your genetics (starting point) and how hard you work (the journey). Tbh social media really got me thinking everybody can bench 315 and hitting 225 is just the beginning. I'm devoting 30 weeks to build and then test, running a 21 week hypertrophy program and a 9 week strength block. Got 225 at about 155bw at 20yo. On average, it takes around 20 reps of 135 to be able to bench 225, based on the American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines for the 1RM test. 20 years latter, I don't lift for maxes but at 175lbs. I just got to the gym and decided I’d go for it. Not saying it will take you 8 years like it did for me, but for some people it is a long journey. In this article, we will be looking at the practical sides of bench pressing 225 pounds, who can bench 225 lbs, and what percent of people in the general population can bench press 225 pounds. Jan 7, 2020 路 The Road to 225. A 400-pound bencher has a far greater chance of doing 30 reps at 225 than a 300 bencher. To me, this seems like a very condensed time frame to develop all supporting muscles and I don't want to push myself too hard/quickly and risk an injury. Being able to I have similar numbers. Conversely, you may find you progress faster with certain deadlift variations than some of your peers etc. If you bench 225 with 160lbs that's 1. Haven't done normal bench, as ohp is goat. Did two bench variations a week, one flat, one inclined. com/justis Took another 6 months to get fron 215 to 225 which I hit for a double first time. When I tested my PRs again, I was so disappointed: 170 lbs bench press Short version: Took me ~3 months of bulking to go from 155x1 to 225x4. 225 was an easy 6-8 reps with no form breakdown, 275 was then a very hard single. Not many people I know personally have hit 3 plates on squat or 4 plates on deadlifts after 1 year. You squat. I could do up to about 10 reps 405 on squats. Is it possible to bring my 1-RM to around 225 lbs in just six weeks (without pills, steroids, etc. 0333) Plugging into a calculator gives me roughly 6. My friend is convinced that I can increase my bench from 185x2 to 225x1 in 2 months. It's impressive to some because I'm only 5' 7" and weigh around 150 lbs (hardgainer who doesn't eat right), but for me it was more of a mental feat to accomplish. I eventually want to work my way up to 275 x 5. If this kid just decided to start at 3 sets of 5 at 120 for his next session, and followed the program, 21 weeks (math mistake, this should be 11 weeks) to a 225 bench. So my rep ranges have always been 8-12, sometimes 15+. I believed that I could achieve many things that seemed impossible as long as I maintained routine and consistency. Then jump to 240 for 2-3 reps. I can do 10 x 155, about 3 x 185, and maybe 1 x 205-210 (untested), at 150 lb body weight, but sure as hell I can't do 225. If you’re an average-sized man in the United States, this is somewhere in the 1-2 year range. The first time I ever benched 315, I was able to bench 225 15 times and I could bench 275 lbs 6 times. That's fine Oct 3, 2017 路 I first benched 225 back in the early 1990s, but never benched over 245. Back squat around 330, dead lift around 365, front squat around 250, bench around 205. I started with SL 5x5 and then switched to a modified SL program (3x5, similar to Phrak's Greyskull LP) around the 85kg (~190lb) bench press mark Supplemented my bench with lots of weighted dips,pec deck flies, and tricep pulldowns Jan 18, 2013 路 Fast forward to now (7 years of on and off lifting) and I can throw 225 up 10-12 times on a flat bench more if it's decline. According to Pro Football Reference, 338 players did the 225 bench press test at the 2021 combine. 5 years of hitting chest 2 times a week to hit 225 for 1 repmax. I feel like if I can bench 275 at least 5 times, I should be able to clear 315 x 1 (according to strength level. You press. Recently I’ve shifted my training to focus more on strength. You bench. I was hoping to hit 225 before the end of the summer… Sep 26, 2022 路 185 lbs bench press - Good; 225 lbs bench press - Failed; 225 lbs bench press - Failed; 215 lbs bench press - GOOD; So, I was 10lbs away from my 225 lbs bench press. Also TRICEPS TRICEPS TRICEPS and a strong upper back! Good form is extremely I hit 225 bench within my first year, and then 275 in my second. I think my max is 245. Currently, I can do 3 clean reps of 225 but I've hit a wall. In October 2011, at age 41, I started my SS Linear Progression with my bench at 195 for three sets of 5. Just keep at it. . Im at 225 body weight. Mostly only people who progress greatly or are are naturally strong like to post how they hit 225 bench in 3 months. Today I benched 225lbs for 4 clean reps. Bench Press (1RM) Calculator Instructions. SNAP HOODIES!!http://glengillenfitness. Earlier this week I benched 225 for 3 reps and tonight I OHP 135 for 3 reps! I’m loving the program and ordering the book after i post this. My next goal is to hit 225. I was better at squats. It’s been a really long journey, and I’ve naturally got a great frame for benching which helps. 1 in 20 can do it after a year, 1 in 6 after 3 years, and a third of guys can do it after 5 years. 400 on bench is an absolute anomaly. Oct 15, 2014 路 If you want to bench 225, 315 or 405, you probably won’t get there by missing that weight over and over again week in and week out. I grew up with a bench and watched my dad bench 365 on shitty pig iron. 225 How to get the bench from 185 to 225? Overall, to get from 185 to bench 225 you need to train for 3-6 months in the weight room, applying progressive overload and ensuring the body gets enough proteins, as well as a sufficient amount of rest and sleep. But if you go to an elite athletics gym, there are a lot of people benching 225 here, so your 225 bench wouldn’t be impressive. My goal was to bench 225 and over head press 135 in a years time. 47 10 yd split. Who really cares how strong someone got in 6 months or 2 years. Benching anything above 135 is a huge milestone. In January, 2012 I benched 225 for three sets of 5. Damn 225 im 6’4 and i want to get there im probably benching around 190 right now, eating has been tough When they say that long arms equals "weak bench" it If you weigh 125, it's elite. A better measure for this question on any forum would be "how long did I take to hit x% of body weight?" Or how long did it take you to hit x wilks score on bench?" 225 by itself is pretty arbitrary. I'm returning to lifting after a looo g hiatus so my strength gains have been faster since I have been a little stronger long ago. You’ll get there, but it’ll just take longer. Depending on the weight class, bench presses will range from 78kg (172lbs) to 159kg (350lbs) for men and 45kg (99lbs) to 74kg (163lbs) for women. Let’s begin by addressing: how difficult is this goal? Sep 13, 2024 路 1 in 100 guys can bench 225 within their first year of lifting weights. 97 -20 yd shuttle run. I’m repping 225-14(in rarely go to failure as I want to still have gas in the tank for my heavier sets) I have a 1 rm of 305 currently and am doing 275-5 clean pause reps. For reference, I was able to reach a 225 bench within about 8 months of lifting just before I turned 16, but I’m also very short (currently 5’8” and was probably 5’6”-5’7” at the time) and weighed around 180lbs. I bench 3x a week. More impressed that someone has stuck with it for the As to how long it took to hit my first bodyweight bench: probably ten years of consistent training. tywuc nmojw owgf fhu vfayj lmzv psg qqzjc tqe zdkwfc