
500mg test e cycle reddit

  • 500mg test e cycle reddit. For alot less money I can punch you in the liver and give you similar results if you want. And, again, you're running a sensible cycle. 500mg of true test should be plenty to notice gains. but, you won't start to really see the changes until about 6-8 weeks in. Mast E 250mg/ml. My first 500mg Test E/w cycle is going good so far but my biggest change has been a mental one, this is a bit of a rant/diary entry but maybe someone will find some useful info in it. If 300 proves weak after 6 weeks bump it up. Gave blood, it got better, but not good enough. Test/Mast Cycle. Currently on week 6 of first cycle, up from 95kg to 106kg. 4. 6’5. Will cruise here for a few months, then get back on the blast. Definitely way higher than natural production. TEST E 500mg a week…. Hello to all, Im about to run my 8th cycle. While the 1. Why not make a throwaway, upload a pic of yourself and Test level on 500mg test. You’ll do a lot less damage this way. I am about 16-17% bodyfat (not measured just a mirror estimate) My lifts have gone up quite a fair bit as well. I think my Estradiol is to high and i will start taking my AI today. add lean muscle and a much easier pct and easier to ADMIN MOD. This is when you'll get most of sides as well. Jeice_valetines. For example lets take a hypothetical guy whose body produces 1g of test a week and then 33% of the test gets converted to dht then 50% of the remainder of test gets converted to estrogren. Now because Derek and Steve came out saying maybe you don't need to take that much everyone is sperging out about it because they wanna suck Derek's and Steve's cock and they think it makes them sound like a Maybe, maybe not, but more likely maybe not. As a safeguard you can also use 0. Ran 500mgs of test weeks 1-15 25ms dbol weeks 1-6 75mgs tbol weeks 10-15 150mgs proviron weeks 10-15. This is close to the 'cookie cutter' beginner cycle of 500 mg per week, I used 400 as I obtained two 10 ml 12 week test cycle experience. It's all in the diet my friend. superdrol - you feel like ****, sick, rough pct. So I posted my cycle info and people were freaking out over my 1000mg per week of test e. Your first cycle using 500 mg of testosterone with the right diet and caloric intake can yield an easy 10 lb of muscle and as much has 20 lb of body weight. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. 5 hours a day with 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week, thinking up upping the dose to 750mg a week. 6 weeks in and not noticing any significant change in my workouts or progress, 26M 220lbs diet is dialed in and I workout 1. I’m not saying a 500mg dose is going to kill you, but it is quite obvious that it is riddled with more sides than a 300mg dose. Even with 6. how big of a deficit can i do to lose fat as fast as possible whilst maintaining the most muscle? Cut first then blast. 500 mg is a low dose. I wish I made the most of it and ran 750mg of test, kick starting with tbol and/or test prop (350mg/wk) and finishing with dbol (around 30-40mg daily). 5mg/eod Arimidex throughout the cycle. If you were going to add something, I would add 25mg of dbol a day for your first 4 weeks. what do you find are necessities before starting a cycle? thanks Archived post. This time around I am going to run HCG 1,000 IU’s every other day for 8 days The rough formula to figure out your blood levels of test on cycle is to X it by 7 so 250x7=1500. 💉 Anabolic Steroids 💉. You’d use Clomid at 50mg per day for 3 weeks. I’ll more than likely stick to Test only for the next year and then go from there. some people say 2 weeks, but honestly, week 6-8+ is when you really start to notice yourself looking bigger and bigger every day. Strength up massively, veins coming out a lot and muscle definition is getting better and better. tremendously. Some men handle can handle up to 200-250 mg without issues. Just pulled test and NPP last week to get rid of water Make it a rule of your cycling forever to try and get the most from the least. This time I’m thinking: 500MG Test So i’m not entirely “natty” Had awesome progress. 25mg EOD on 250mg test I have lumps, puffiness and slight sensitivity. I have gained 30lbs so far at 5'6" (from 175-205lbs, been 205 for 2-3 weeks). . I know people say it takes a few weeks to kick in, but my first week of Running a medium test dose with a sarm will make the test very androgenic as well as estrogenic and will cause a lot more side effects than running it on its own. Acne, insomnia, etc also worsen at a higher dose. Some men, like me, can’t even get away with 120. - 500mg per week is just overkill, too much unless you're doing another injectable with it. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Edit: also dude you are only 3 weeks in lol. You will not be disappointed with test e or cyp at 400-500 mg a week for 10-12 weeks. This bro-science bullshit about "250mg is TRT and will just shut you down" has to stop. 750mg total seems alot for a third cycle, 12 Test/Mast Cycle. I don’t need AI consistently at that dose. mm1987. No severe sides on 500mg test E? 10 weeks into 16 week cycle on test e, gotten very minor gyno which is under control and increased irritability but that’s it. My delts got huge just from the oil and scar tissue. just layed there tossing and turning. DISCLAIMER: This was my first ever cycle. Iv even heard that (someone help me out) one compound actually speeds up hair loss when stacked with FIN. PCT will be the same anyway. My source sells test in 500mg/ml but they have a disclaimer about diluting it b4 use because it could cause pip and other sides. No proper PCT : 4 weeks after your cycle you will start to get tired a lot, lose gains, get itchy nips and basically get fat in the weeks/months after that. I’d rather see you start at 250 and titrate up slowly by 25mg if you’re not liking the cycle or recovering sufficiently. SUperdrol for 3 weeks you will put on maybe 12-15 and keep half. For this I’d say start with 200mg-500mg a week doses, administered once a week. Click Join now to receive I have secured enough “things”for a full 20 week test e 500mg cycle and plan on doing it but I want to know roughly at what weight and bf% should I diet down to before starting it in order to avoid most estrogenic side effects. 33g estrogren per week. So in the end this mans body has . 500mg is fine for a first cycle, it's what the r/steroids official wiki recommends. Think 750mg/wk or more. 15-week Deca/Dbol/Test E Cycle Definitely wait like 4-6 weeks for test to kick in. We also answer the tough fitness questions that other subs don't, can't or won't. If you’ve never run test start at 250 for a few weeks perhaps to assess and tritate up. I want to run a cycle with 500mg and maybe stacked with deca or dbol. Real gains expected in 6 weeks on 500mg test : r/nattyorjuice. Anything less is a waste unless it’s TRT. So, like I mentioned in the title, I did 400mgs of test. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. Pretty happy with the results, HDL was a little low, ALP and urea was a little high but only slightly above the average range. TLDR: Has anyone used 500mg/ml Test-E undiluted and were there any sides other than pip? The fok. You could probably already progress a lot with weekly injection of Test E or C at 250mg for 16 weeks, and maybe add an oral the last 4-6. Height: 6'2. 500mg is recommended for your first cycle. I've been on test alone for about 4 weeks now and just recently added anavar, body is responding well. I've heard of people running more-or-less your cycle (well, 250 test + 40 var) for 20+ weeks since it's so easily tolerated. For example, test suspension has no ester attached, so when you inject 500mg, you really get 500mg of test. This leads me to my personal experience with steroids. I definitely want to get back on gear been considering doing a: 30mg Tbol (week 1-3) 500mg Test E (week 1-12) 300mg Tren E (week 1-10) i have been taking Fin alongside on and off test cycles for about 4 years now. 8 weeks is nowhere near long enough for a test e cycle. The cycle after maybe do 400, then 500. I’ll do 4weeks at 250 and then move to 350 for the other 12 weeks. Personally, I did a cycle of 300mg/wk test e first. On my return to the gym I have gained Old. Which is great. 5 mg Asin. Thanks dude means alot, my buddy said i should run 500 mg but didnt know how i would aromatise so i did 350 which went really well, f course because i followed dereks advice (for the most part) Reply reply Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. W 1 500mg test C + 350mg of Tbol (50 a day) W 2 500mg test C 350mg of Tbol (50 a day) W 3 500mg test C 350mg of Cutting on 300mg test vs 500mg. My buddy says cutting on 300mg will lead to muscle loss and 500mg is more ideal for sparing muscle. It started with a 5 or 6 night span where I couldn't sleep for shit. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Either run a low dose of test with sarms or a medium-high dose of test alone. Here's my full diet. 33 g test, . According to MPMD it is even a waste of a first cycle. And, as far as results, you simply can't compare the two. I was on 500-600mg test e from June 1, then dropped down to 250mg in mid November to clean up bloods (was doing Primo and Var in the Fall). Four weeks into my first Test cycle my life has completely changed. First cycle 500mg test e + 50mg anavar. this is my first cycle. Everyone is different. First cycle 500mg test e/week. I've been depressed for about 8 years now, hopping Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. 5mg twice a week and adjust higher if you get estro sides, and lower if you get sore joints/low estro sides. I am concerned with shedding of hair on my head. Went from 210 to 205 at 6' tall. Test E 12 weeks you can put on 25-30 lbs and keep 20 of it. Over the past week or so I've started to notice some sides. I am planning to compete in a local powerlifting meet next year and was doing some planning with My guess is he said it because you think skipping 1 week of pins would mean having to scrap the whole cycle. Jul 2, 2014 · Gear: Test Enanthate (250mg/ml) Dosage: Starting at 400mg/week. Instead, if you still feel good at week 15 just run your cycle at 300 an extra week or so. 750mg total seems alot for a third cycle, 12 /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. 11 week cycle. FIRST CYCLE Test E (Beginner) Cycle Examples: A beginner can gain insight into the effects of Test E during their first cycle using a 12-week plan. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Like Tbol, or Anadrol with 300mg of test per week. Thoughts on 16 weeks vs 10-12 weeks? I purchased 2 Vials of Test-E x 10ml x 300mg/ml. Just run 500 for 4-5 months. I saw you say you are 6’1 70kgs, you should definitely eat more and train longer before jumping on cycle however. it'll start coming into your system as soon as 24 hours after a pin. Now switched to long easters so no more pip at all. *Edit: I'm definitely of the opinion that slow and steady wins the race, mainly due to the fact that people tend to put size above all else and neglect their health. This is my cycle schedule. 1000mg of test is not alot! THOUGHTS!!! (plus my current cycle) Anabolic Steroids. Meal 5, Same as meal #2. Sorry to clarify, yeah you can use 500 test for 5-6+ months but you probably wont feel all that great and it’s not really necessary to do so. sure it'll help hold onto muscle. Test came back at 2647nd/dl. 50mg a day. Gonna run test, was going to do 500mg/week 2x a week for 10-12 weeks, but looking on this sub it seens 300mg/week 2x a week for 16-20 weeks is better. Bloodwork is pretty good aswell. r/PEDs. This is a contest prep cycle. This was 500mg Test E 10 weeks, with a 2 week taper down at the end. johnnybongs97. Q&A. Side-effects are manageable at this dose, and will give beginners a good introduction into how it affects them First cycle 500mg test e a week. Test + Tbol & Tren. Taking 500mg was considered a beginner cycle forever for a reason. Make the product work for you. I have to run nolva with just about every cycle. I've ran two SARM cycles before, an ostarine cycle in 2020 and an S4 and Lgd cycle right before this test cycle. Weight pre-cycle: 189lbs, ~16%bf. Injection frequency: Twice per week Cycle: 10 weeks PCT: Clomid only AI: Anastrozole on hand So basically, Cycle Weeks 1-3: Test enanthate 400mg/week split into two pins a week Weeks 4-10: Test e 500mg/w split into two pins a week PCT: finished off at 203, but just as lean if not leaner. My reason for posting is to share my experience and mistakes with fellow noobs so they can Some people wont even need an AI on 500mg, personally i need 0. A fair portion will be water weight, though. Got my bloods done 7 weeks into my 500mg test E cycle. No interest in GH, insulin, tren… etc. So the cycle lasted 11 weeks. Then BAM, high hematocrit and painfully debilitating headaches. e per week for 10 weeks, with nolvadex for my pct, no ai as I didn't experience the necessary side effects to warrant using it. 33 g dht, and . 4g and 2. One week I might need 0 and another week 3’doses of 12. I’m naturally about 145-150 at 5-10” Gaining weight is incredibly hard for me especially holding it. I'm into my second cycle (first was test/DECA/dbol second is test-e/tren-e). Anavar hits pretty fast that’s why it’s used a preworkout like 30 minutes to an hour before hand. I'm currently looking to do around 300mg of test and 10mg of LGD-4033 for 8 weeks on this cycle to bulk as much as possible. deficit on 500 Test E. Mood is better. Then cruise for 1-2 months and repeat (obviously if everything is healthy and in range) 5. Gear is for growing. Check out r/PEDs or r/steroids, they both have ask anything style beginner threads every week. Endurance and strength have shot up. Doesn't matter if it's 500mg or 200mg. Stats 5'7, 70 kg 14% BF. keep a journal of your intake. More time on cycle definitely equals more time building lean muscle. I did the same cycle about a year and a half ago without a proper PCT and I lost almost all my gains and was depressed/suppressed for months. But i doubt you'll feel anything at 50. Only gave myself about a month break before starting test which may not have been Test e 500 mg , npp 300 mg , dbol 20-50 mg rate cycle : r/PEDs. There's actually a great deal of critical thinking and rationale that went into arriving at this figure. He was quite adamant about it and has lots of experience with PEDs. [Cycle Report] First cycle. Jan 2, 2018 · First Cycle Test E 500/mg Results Stats: 19 y/o (will be 20 in less than 2 weeks), 6 foot 1-2 inches Diet (both on-cycle and off): 3600 Calories Daily, Macros (rough): 400-450g carbs, 225-245g protein, 80-100g fat Split: 6 days on, 1 day off. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. Everything else was good or great. The only sides I've ever had was back acne and that was when I went from blasting 750mg test/500mg DECA down to a cruise dose of 250mg test. On 150mg a week, it was: Total testosterone - 60 nmol/L (1730 ng/dL)Oestradiol - 202 pmol/L (55 pg/mL) (This one didn't come with SHBG sadly) Running a medium test dose with a sarm will make the test very androgenic as well as estrogenic and will cause a lot more side effects than running it on its own. Cycle. Compounds. Just go around + 200cal and that will make you grow and lose fat at same time. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. Test + Tbol & Tren : r/moreplatesmoredates. Start 8 week Winny Depot cycle. This week we are discussing HIGH TEST CYCLES. I've learned a lot but there's always more to learn. Before I ever touched steroids I would often get maybe one or two hairs in my hairs while taking a shower, now it seems to be roughly 20 hairs+ some have tiny white bulbs on them What are the must haves before starting a cycle, beside the obvious like test e. But 500mg in reality is not that high and you’ll receive proportional gains at that level with respect to 300 mg. [Compound Experience Sunday] High Testosterone Cycles. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Planned for 12 ofc but mismanaging my draws has made me inject slightly more every time, and set me back a total of two shots, almost exactly. Have been on cycles in the past about 5-6 years ago but was retarded and was all over the place with dosage and consistency. i find that it helps yes. I'd recommend switching to aromasin as your safest/quickest solution, just because it has never done me wrong in /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. Weight post-cycle: 221lbs, ~18%bf. • 7 min. LGD is fine, but test is king, If you want keepable mass, and better results, test all day. Hairloss from Test E. I pin 250mg test e every 72 hours. Went from a cut weight of 165 at start to 190 when I transitioned to cruise. get enough sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a night, change your training - try volume training or progressive overload. I have done 2 cycles before Test & dbol and test & deca. Using 12-25mg aromasin daily. I think the sides of steroids, good and bad, are drastically overrated. Should've gotten an extra vial. went from 195-230lbs in 15 weeks. . If I don't keep my estro extremely low I get gyno. 6. Gains are log-linear up to 600 mg and well beyond. I dont know if you ll use 50 or 500 eventually. But will be using amridex and HCG for AI, then clomid for post. If you made it this far awesome and thanks for your time. On straight test e 500mg / week, I dunno how long it takes for estro to get high enough to result in ED, but I'd imagine it would take several weeks, or maybe even months. Went from 155lbs to 191lbs in 3 months on 240mg a week. Also no sides. I'm currently on week 7 of running 500mg test enanthate (250mg Monday and Thursday) and week 2 of 50mg Anadrol (25mg twice a day). Main concern of getting blood work is not having any side effects (bad ones) & wanted to see what was going on. Contra what you may have been led to believe, this number was not just haphazardly chanced upon. You will get so much water retention on that combo and it will be so much worse at 500, not to mention the gyno you’ll get. Reply. Age: 22M. From personal experience and current cycle, I’m on 400mg test E, 300mg NPP, 25mg anavar, 50mg winstrol. •Very slightly nipple itching So light that I never popped half mg of arimidex, and adding primo for just a Felt like a pin cushion at the end of that cycle. ago. The average male makes about 70mg a week, so even if you account for the esther, 250mg is supraphysiological. Does this seem like a good cycle any input is welcome. But to give you my recommendation - Add an oral. the gear is probably junk. Sep 13, 2021 · FearThaGear said: Even after two decades of using peds, I still do cycles with just 500 mg of testosterone at times. 500 mg/wk Test C and 50 mg Anavar. Even though it sounds like a lot it's still relatively mild. But at 500mg, you are nearly guaranteed to need an AI. The reason I think that is if your gonna do a cycle at least it'll start coming into your system as soon as 24 hours after a pin. A place away from r/bodybuilding and r/steroids to discuss whether the people you post are, or have been, on some sort of juicy substance or not. I have 2 weeks left of my 500mg test E 16 week cycle. Season's greetings fellow needle cushions. Will bump up to 500mg/week. The tbol and proviron weren’t needed but I felt as running 500 by itself wasn’t enough for me. Meal 3, 1 lean cut steak, 1 baked potato, 1 cup steamed veggies of choice. But some will go away after prolonged use. Yes. Next go will be test 500mg and EQ 600mg weekly for 14 weeks, 100mg daily 4 week anavar frontload, and 50mg daily 4 week anavar backload. Kdot006 • 2 yr. -4. Fact is there are absolutely no worries with 500mg of Testosterone a week even for 20 years as all occurrences can be entirely reversed since they are induced by physiological reasons (steroid abuse) and not of pathological reasons (caused genetically). Also, IMO, adding MORE gear is never a better alternative. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. You don’t know how it’ll affect your estrogen levels. I don't like keeping my estro crashed because I feel like crap and estro is beneficial to bodybuilders. You'll feel the test fully around week 8 and Deca around week 10+. I’m currenty on the 5th week of the cycle so I just added some Primo E and these are some of the effects I got from this first few weeks. Blood pressure will also be higher at a 500mg dose than a 300mg dose. There's two possibilities though: bunk AI, or too much AI. Hello all, I am 7 weeks into my first cycle of: 500mg/week of test E planned to do 10 weeks. 500mg a week. Meal 2, 2 chicken breasts, 2 cups rice of choice, 2 cups steamed veggies of choice. Cycle: 500mg UGL test e for 16 weeks, pinned Tues & Fri. Lost everything I gained from that cycle because did a lot of Partys after the cycle and worked out less. You see 185 pound dyel's blasting 500/500/500/75 test/tren/mast/var and no one bats an eye. 10 mg is considered the standard and doesn't yield much higher results than 5mg. But, assuming an average beginner cycle (500-600mg/week of test) you can probably expect to gain as much as 15-25 pounds, depending on your existing muscle mass. 9 Weeks Of 500mg TEST-E @ 21 Blood Work Results. Bench up from 250 to 300. After watching TONS of MPMD, Greg Doucette, and reading as much of the literature as I can this is where I landed. The size and strength gains I've seen About 10% of men can blast 500 mg test e/cyp without any need for AI. Run hcg at 500iu 2x a week throughout and then run 20mg of nolva for 6 weeks, starting two weeks after your last shot. Definitely not. r/Testosterone. • 3 yr. At 45 years old, I did 500mg for 20 weeks. So this is my first cycle ever. Honestly I was just going to post about this. I personally think 1000mg of test is a perfect dose. Meal 1, 4 whole eggs+8 egg whites, 1 cup oats, 1 banana or avocado, 2 slices WW bread and milk or water. Loved the cycle. second cycle. Had a great first cycle. though i still was seeing some hair loss when taking EQ. 2. It obviously wouldn't because your blood levels will still be very high, so if you start pinning again you won't lose a step in the grand scheme of things. The gains are easy, keeping them not so much :) (alternative first cycle : forget the test E. I was wanting to try 350 test and 200-300mg Primo but I haven’t set anything in stone. Gonna have natural test shut down anyway, might as well max the gains. 3. You could run 5 grams a day of tren, but if you completely starve yourself throughout the cycle you obviously will still lose mass. Second cycle was (is) 500mg/wk test e and I’m not really seeing additional sides seven weeks in. I've been on both 125mg and 150mg dosage to experiment with. 1g doses were extreme, I wouldn't consider 1g test e or 700mg test prop truly extreme. Cycle over. Looking at doing 500mg Test C and 250mg Mast E EW Split between 2 on a Monday & Thursday for 12 weeks then PCT: Clomid for 50/50/25/25. Test Cyp 250mg/ml. I was eating around 3500 kcal daily the entire time. Couple years ago I did a Test E only cycle. •. my first cycle was over a year ago with test p 375mg/week but stopped early because the pip from the test p was too strong. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user if you must do TEST E only, just do like 200-300mg per week. I know people say it takes a few weeks to kick in, but my first week of Oh I have no plans to do anything crazy. I'd start at 0. Here is my blood work nearly 10 weeks of test e cycle. I’ve tried to do as much research as possible, no signs of high or low estrogen as of now PCT 500mg/test E 16 weeks. 250mg for a longer cycle will most probably build more muscle than 500 for just 14 weeks and is healthier too. I am taking the next 12 weeks to let my body rest. test- quick recovery, you feel like superman on test also. 500mg/wk of enanthate is a great first cycle for many people if their goal is bodybuilding. 5mg arimidex twice a week on 125mg/wk. How normal is this? Quite normal. I've just came to the end of my first steroid cycle, I ran test E for 12 weeks starting at 300mg and finishing at 500mg. This is what I will do anyway. Mt journey on test 500 mg/week and Deca at 400 mg/week: awesome gains through 7 weeks. Started at 19 and I don’t have a single regret. Agree that 12 weeks is a bit short tho, should probably bump it up to 20. I'm 46. Im on week 9 of my first cycle (500mg per week Test-E). it actually makes it worse, but i cant remember. Been lifting since high school, diet has been on and off since March 2020 (covid lockdowns) but been eating right again since January. Started about 30 days ago. This way you keep having room to progress without getting into into the range of organ danger. Cycle advice. nephilim666 said: test is so mild on your body man they put people on it indefinitly. I didnt include my pct. Looking for some advice. MembersOnline. I’m on my first cycle, 16 weeks of - 300mg test + 75-100mg anavar per week (25mg pre workout 3-4x) and I’m looking to cut. 2nd test cycle. It’s probably several things. First cycle was 500mg test @ two injections a week (M & T). Oct 8, 2023 · Week 1-10 – 500mg per week Testosterone Enanthate; Week 1-6 – 25mg per day Dianabol (Dbol) Once you are done with your 10 week cycle, start your PCT 2 weeks after your last testosterone shot. No negative sides outside of my balls have shrunk a bit already (dick looks bigger though) and slightly elevated blood pressure. But test enanthate contains 30 to 45% LESS (ive seen differing numbers) testosterone because the 'enanthate' portion of the drug takes up 30-45% of the entire dose. Whether you do 8 weeks, or the recommended 16-20, you'll be shut down. Also interesting side note I’ve always been a little on the bigger side but not skinny. What’s up guys, so I decided to hop on the sauce. >300mg vs 500mg of test. This is where genetics will come into play. how big of a caloric deficit can i get on while using 500mg test E per week (2X250)? this would be my first cycle, 19M. Injection frequency: Twice per week Cycle: 10 weeks PCT: Clomid only AI: Anastrozole on hand So basically, Cycle Weeks 1-3: Test enanthate 400mg/week split into two pins a week Weeks 4-10: Test e 500mg/w split into two pins a week PCT: You'll probably be in your honeymoon phase around week 5. 500mg x 10weeks-> Test Enantate 166mg x last 6 weeks -> Primo E. When precautionary measures are taken their are no issues. jd ui rq hb hm op hn ff oo im