It's more common than you think. then after your player heir has a child of their own, that child will be the next in line for the title of that county. Or a barony level title that you can transfer the same way. Vassal limit is determined by direct vassals, not including barons. I just tidied my realm up a little and noticed that I could transfer the vasselage of at least two dukes (duchess of upper loiraine, duke of balaton) to other dukes, which normaly doesnt work? I gave them away, everything seems fine. Detailed ledgers: republican ruler opinion +20, republican vassal tax contribution +15%This one affects city majors only, good with cities that are indirectly held, especially if you build many new ones, not so impressive overall. If you give titles to your house members make sure they are distant enough to no have claims on your main titles. If you're overwhelmed by too many vassals demanding stuff, you can always give them to another vassal, if they are a lower level. Like, if you have the third metropolitan dynasty perk (from spain), a republican vassal will pay you 35% of their taxes and 25% of their levies, and throwing in the republican legacy cultural perk (from an italian culture) bumps that up to 45% taxes and 30% levies at the cost of a moderate opinion penalty. Plus even if you have weak vassals they will fight and squabble among themselves eventually creating duchies of their own. That being said, yes, vassals of vassals pay less taxes. Make sure you don't incur tyranny, not exactly sure what the penalties are but can't be good. Playing vassal I'm the HRE is probably the best Note that this only works if the desired title is one step below your own, as Kings only desire control over de jure duchies and Dukes over de jure counties. You can use this to your advantage to gradually change it further and further (can only be done once per lifetime of either of the people). Additionally it is harder to manage swarm of 60 vassals as opposed to let's say 10 dukes/kings. I've been getting really into CK3 as a first time player. It's a personal preference thing. Yes, it's border gore, but it's fun. if you are king of england you can not make wessex independente. ) will create a Theocratic Vassal. Tanel88. Vassal consolidation is the name of the game at that point. Clan vassels give you taxes and levies based on their opinion of you. More vassal income means more vassal tax. g. i like playing vassal in the byzantine and help reconquer the empire Reply reply A_Wild_Goonch Discussion. Basically the more levels of vassals the tax need to get to you the less you get due to it being dilated by every rank between you and the vassal. Republican vassals give 20% taxes and 10% levies while feudal give by default 10% taxes and 25% levies. I've installed czechs to the thrones, so ruling families of these counties/kingdoms/duchies are of my culture. And if there's a king between the Duke and you you get 10% of the 10% of the 10% so like . The Duke of Orleans becomes your vassal because they are a vassal of the Kingdom of France and you happen to hold that title. I always felt that ck3 was a much easier game than ck2 (in a bad way) in that managing your vassals as an independent ruler is way too easy. A custom head of faith? You need to have a landed theocracy before reforming/heresy, You can do that by taking a church capital county and granting it to an unlanded courtier, or converting to a temporal religion and promote the temple to the county capital and granting it to a unlanded courtier of the original faith. you need to create "super-kings", vasalls that essentially hold multiple kingdoms in all but name. Your dynasty should be growing exponentially, and the game will start playing itself. The problem is that i can not seem to figure out how to "transfer" Vassals as the game tells me to. Dunno what your long term game is but you can revoke titles and give them to your heirs. If it's a war between two dynasty members and you are dynasty head, you can force them And Bavaria was mine (he stayed my vassal). So if the duchy has 5 counties and the duchy holder owns 1, but the 4 other counties belong to people that directly report to you, the duchy holder would hate you. but on the other hand you can just ignore these penalties. Get your heir popular before you die. * Quickly transfer any vassal to their de jure liege, by right-clicking either ruler. but you can grant independence to some title in wales or France. Subscribe. The AI is much better at strategy than it is at tactics (not that the CK AI is good at strategy, it's just not as bad). adpopt some type of gender preference and just disinherit all other heirs of your prefered heir gender. then just murder Jun 4, 2024 路 The vassal limit is the number of direct vassals (excluding Barons) a ruler can have without penalties. You can give council positions, bribes, use sway or hooks and manage their relationships that way. 1. Second: Look around the realm. Close game and then start it up again and it should sort out your actual vassal count. PSA: There's a reason everyone wants to be on the Council in CK3. It’s “adopt feudal ways” in the Decisions menu. You can fabricate claims on your vassals lands, especially if you can imprison them with a crime they committed, then you get no tyranny revoking titles, or revoke weak people lands (low army, one single county) preferably near your target, same duchy. Maybe you have a count reporting directly to you who should be reporting to a vassal. I was able to get it done with vassal shuffling. Here's the next step! Right click his portrait in that window, and it gives you THIS window, where you can opt to go to his location. Temple Baronies will be granted to generated Theocratic Barons who are Theocratic Rulers. My liege is Byzantine. But having large vassals would make it easier ti force them to convert culture and religion in your realm so maybe that helps. So i'm far exceeding my Vassal Limit at the moment. lasdlt. It is primarily based on the rank of the ruler's primary title and can be increased by title laws and traits. * Vassal-transfer interactions are only shown in menus when relevant. So if you're only missing specific counties you don't personally have the de jure duchy title to, you're kind of out of luck. You can use it to increase the vassal limit. I'm somewhat excited to see how the ability to breed good genetic traits into your dynastic line works in CK3. If it's directly from a count you get the say 10%, but then if it goes through a duke, you get 10% of the 10%. When you grant a top title it should give them all rightful vassals immediately. A smoother interface for transferring vassals: * Transfers no longer require hunting for the vassal in a list. If older than that, just choose very young wives and husbands. Keep in mind that you cannot grant independence to any subject. I do not check here often, find me here: First thought is to use the claim throne scheme, which you access through the stewardship focus, take your lieges title, then you can shoot for independence from HRE. While the initial investment of starting the snowball might seem difficult, I promise it will pay off quite well. You will give the emperor of the HRE the chance to form the new empire, which is less useful for you. It’s also getting a culture update. Bohemia is considered the standard vassal open if you're looking to learn how to play one, but the other suggestions look interesting. You must have a certain development level in your capital county. Edit: to show what others have said that levies are basically worthless (depending on the situation of course), this is a battle of pure MAA on Aug 4, 2012 路 Asking your liege for a vassal is a random event. step four, invade. I have multiple empires, and "Empire Germania" has not been created. You can declare war on the king of Hungary for independence (don't start a faction) and you'll become a direct vassal of the HRE If you take over enough land to form an empire title that doesn't exist yet, you will not be able to create that empire title, because you are a vassal of an emperor. CK3. Two: During the process of gaining the claims i somehow got myself land from England itself, before i had no county in England, and i think that was a reason i could do it now. I didn't know this until recently, and it's changed the way I play. In this case, push for Limited Crown Authority and go to war Levies and money vassals get are based on the holding type and it's buildings, I don't think republics get a bonus in money or something, so difference is in what percentage they give you compared to feudal or other vassals. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 &…. Yet his opinion of me is +100 and he fears me due to my 92 dread. Jan 23, 2020 路 You've selected your chosen vassal, clicked to Transfer Vassalage, engaged with the vassal on the list, and that just slapped his portrait in the circle. If you find a good match, consider giving them a county. The vassal should have no title withing your de jure hierarchy within your main title. The bordergore will be awful until France reconqueres it, but you will no longer be the liege of the land. For the Byzantines Alexios Komnenos is interesting and challenging. Only frdual rulers get the normal fedual contract. • 2 yr. •. Make them someone else's problem 馃槃. This situation will cause friction between you and the vassal, and this is a situation where you would want to use the ''transfer vassalage'' option. However, dismissing or appointing them doesn't immediately update this "list" (in either direction) and saving+reloading also doesn't help. So try to raise your primary army when you seen “Can send ultimatum in 2 or 1 months” and then park your already raised army at the capital of the claimant or the strongest of the rebellion faction. Now all I have left is Norman yoke (which seems to be glitched) and Al-andas 馃檪. You will get an event with two choices: asking your liege for the vassal, or not. As for increasing the vassal limit through mods, it's very possible. Each will be listed as a negative modifier. Fedaul rulers give you taxes and levies based on their fedual contract. In practice, much of your power come from your own We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you assassinate their entire dynasty then you inherit their lands as the liege. Keep your county limit obviously and anything in your within your dukedom’s region. It's also funny if you decide to keep murdering your liege just see who inherits. I only own…. One of the things which weirdly do appear to update the "list" immediately is to create alternatively you can conquer the land he'll inherit or get rid of the vassal, like fabricate a claim and revoke their title. They both only had the duchy and one province in there. Check the grant vassal option, it should only show vassals that you can transfer to them as they are a dejure vassal of theirs. If you're a count, Sway your lieges liege, if you keep kissing ass he might suddenly offer you a title. Thanks for the tips. Sometimes they will rebel anyway. This also applies to creating Kingdom level titles and transferring the Dukes to the appropriate Kings. 2. Playing in the HRE, or any elective realm would be much more fun as a vassal if you can decline a title and just be Duke of whatever instead of being forced into king or emperor. step three, ask for claims from pope daddy. I remember two requirements that it has that you don’t mention in your post: You must practice an organized religion. I don't know about ck3, but in ck2 vassals rebelling for independence against one of your vassals would become your vassals. check your main title and see what are the de jure titles within. I typically don’t bother giving vassals to a rightful liege unless I’m approaching the vassal limit. Hey all. Upon taking over West Francia, I realised I have 57/40 Vassals, so I tried to transfer some counts to some higher level dukes, but it's not lowering the Vassal number. I think it's generally fine to upgrade your baron-tier vassals, especially if you have spare money and not a ton to upgrade in your own holdings. For example, vassal_limit = 20 will increase the vassal limit by 20. Land you conquer should mostly be the same religion. siriannn. This is important down the line because you can very easily hit your vassal limit which is 60 as an emperor, even if you hold multiple empires. [1] For every vassal above the Vassal Limit, -5% is imposed on vassal taxes and vassal levies, up to -95% . Get your crown authority to limited and you can start revoking titles from vassals/baronies to get some more domains. also sometimes this goes away by itself when he's inheriting because the ruler of the other title it's a child and doesnt have heirs on their own (he's inheriting for being an uncle or something like that) 7. make your heir marry one of his children then murder all of the people next in line until the person your heir is married to becomes next in line for the county, then murder the count. EDIT: Yes, revoking titles of a king and granting to another / different family reduces the feudal contract to normal. Another way is if they commit a crime. I tried granting my direct Count level Vassals to my Dukes but this does nothing. You could do this this to consolidate counties to less vassals. Be mindful of your religious demographics. Barons are unlikely to rebel, upgrading their holdings does give you more tax/levies, and some buildings actually give you bonuses. Once you have a Theocratic Count, grant them additional Counties with Temples till they are over their Domain Limit. Like if I work for a weak duke and negotiate an amazing contract and then get independence from him to the king, why should the king have to honor that same contract. However, depending on your various laws, if you can revoke or destroy the duchy title, you can 1) transfer the individual counties to the King of Italy, or 2) grant the duchy title TO the King of Italy (either to hold or as a viceroyalty). • 4 yr. Unfortunately I am on console so no royalty pack. Reply. You can give them to your primary heir too. You can even transfer your own baron-tier vassals to your count You will have less vassals to deal with as counts inside duchy will now be vassals of the duke and will not be able to create or join factions against you. Share. I might have found a fix. Sure it makes sense to preserve nobles traditional rights and culture but not for holy wars etc. So grant the french kingdom to someone and if will transfer all the french vassals to him. I have noticed that with (presumably) imperial elective succession, you can't transfer your councilors or commanders. Another option is to make them an ally by marriage. 0. If I win his claim, will he by my Vassal ? Or would I simply replace the current King of Germany? DarkeningLight. If you create more Dukes and transfer their specific Counts to them, then you reduce your direct vassals as Counts under a Duke become their direct vassals, not yours. Thats gonna be several thousand gold to fuedalize the entire island, and I cant pay for it myself if i pass ownership of the county over to a Yes, the conquest casus belli makes it very easy for your vassals to start wars, so they do. Description. You don’t have to memorize anything. Otherwise find some bunch of nobodies with your culture if you aren't at your vassal cap. Forget about the outside world until you are at least a 2-duchy duke, or better yet a king. it helps if you have high piety level and / or have the good Christian traits e. It definitely lasts through the generations. Courtiers will have kids between each other,, 2-3 based on rank (two lowborn max 2 kids without landing them). One way is to get them to change culture is to try and have their heirs as wards and convert their culture. Also, you might end up with baron-tier vassals in another kingdom. He is also the son of the king he is We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Heregeld: vassal tax contribution 10%All direct vassals, but this affects indirect ones. Also, CK2 is more of a grand strategy\RPG mix, CK3 focuses much more on the RPG portion of the game. Thus, removing the importance of tactics by simplifying troop and ship movement makes strategy comparatively more important, which strengthens the AI. Some contract modifications can be useful here sometimes too. CK3 is much more accessible and great for beginners to the series, and also has much better graphics, but also lacks a lot of content from CK2 for the time being and gets criticism sometimes for being a bit With all of this done, your vassals should be nicely expanding your empire and converting the land. step one, kiss ass to papa pope. Instead treat the kingdom as if it's the entire world map. Money is the only thing that matters in CK3. Solution: There were two solutions which helped me. You should be aiming for all vassal to be the same religion, just about no exceptions. Erotic_Joe. That's fewer people to appease. At least 10 if I remember right. ago. I was sitting at 43/40 and kept creating duchies to lighten the load but the number wouldn’t go down. Some people will see this as a good thing Reply. Just kind of a realm administration question, to mee it seems better to have a bunch of small ones so that more of the money goes directly to the liege as opposed to having to go through 4 layers of rulers. You can double check: hover over the opinion for the lord you’re transferring the vassal to and it will tell you which vassals are his De Jure. Yeah, you can sway them, but you can only sway one person at a time. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Reply reply Snoo-60003 CK3: how does matrilineal marriage work, in order for your family to get a piece of someone's realm? Discussion Just saw someone's post about matrilineal marriage, and how you can marry a daughter or something to a king or his son, so you eventually get the kingdom. I've been playing as Italy on the 867 start and I took over West and East Francia. 421K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. Stewardship and building as a vassal is cool and playing a high intrigue spymaster is pretty cool. Add that to a modifier effecting your character, such as found in Character Traits it Religion Doctrines, and you There is also a Dynasty unlock that makes vassals less likely to rebel I think. You’ll usually reap more taxes and levies from count x and duke y separately than you will from duke y alone when he’s got count x as his vassal. I think CK3 is an easier game overall for a bunch of reasons and needs to be looked at (the devs have acknowledged this and said they want to do something about it), but I feel like vassal relations aren't really easier or harder in either game. There's a character modifier called vassal_limit. If you conquer them in an invasion or holy war, the contracts should be reset. Feudal contracts are way more useful as a vassal which I appreciate but it's still annoying how limited it is. You can transfer such vassal to one of your vassals as a gift. Because he will only get fraction of their taxes and levies. If you create the Duchy and hold it yourself, then you won't get the penalty. If you're on the council, you get a huge bonus that stacks depending on the rank of your liege (Duke/King/Emperor). Is this normal behaviour or a bug? Requesting a rightful vassal transfer from liege (PS5) Hi, is there a way to ask my liege to transfer a vassal to me that is rightfully mine? I'm the King of Siciliy and hold the Duchy of Apulia. • 11 yr. Qwex12. I am currently trying to conquer the world I have reached the vassal limit having 60 kings. Titles, titles, titles: So my vassal, a Baron, has a claim on the kingdom of Germany. Give some higher tier titles and pawn of vassals to vassal you can trust to be loyal aftee succession. Can anyone tell me what i am missing here? I just tested it and it seems to take a few months time in game to Do vassal contracts transfer from my vassal to his heir Help I have a vassal who I have excoriate levels of tax on and he want a position in my council, naturally I’m planning for him to have a accident but will his heir keep the current contract or will the taxes and levies due reset to medium The way to manage vassals is to put competent ones on the council and to have enough money to get mercs and fuck up the incompetent ones who don’t belong on the council. Share Add a Comment. Chancellor. One: Get claims on the duchys and counties he has and take all of him. William the bastard is a vassal of the French king, just try to not conquer england. If you ask then he will have his choice. If creating the duchy isn't going to consolidate your Oct 1, 2016 路 Subscribe to downloadCleaner Vassal Transfer. So if you have the Count of Wight as your vassal, and don't hold the Duchy of Wessex, then you'll get the "Not rightful liege" penalty. Good luck! Just make kingdoms or duchies and grant them some vassals, what I do usually is that I make kingdoms and duchies in places that are mostly hostile religion and different culture, so my vassal will be busy converting or fighting revolts, you can also look for vassals from your own dynasty, with average stewardship, bad martial and sinful traits such as gluttonous or lustful, also if they have a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. playing as a vassal is so more fun than playing liege. Well the main idea is to keep your vassals as weak and divided as possible. Also, creating the title grants you the prestige which is beneficial. Anyone know how to get around this? You’re gonna have to start giving vassals multiple kingdoms. step two, watch out for non-adult title holders or female title holders. You can also just fabricate claims on lands with your Bishop, it takes a year or so to justify and costs some 2. Same for when you take over a kingdom with certain CBs. Sep 13, 2020 路 It’s always been the top choice in the transfer vassal window for me. I believe you can grant independence to subjects who follow a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In general, if you fabricate a claim on their title, you can revoke it for no tyranny. Any woman below 45 and any man (technically forever but more like up to 60) can have kids. Clan vassel contracts are more limited as you can see. There's a possible +20 relations modifier for prestige, by making your heir a powerful vassal he can start working on this already. You can marry family members to someone outside your lands, sorting for alliance power, maybe If the county is owned by a vassal of theirs you can retract the vassal from one duke (this is an act of tyranny) and then grant the other duke the vassal. I believe it is 0% at -50 upto 25% at 100. Keep your vassals away from factions. We have same faith and culture. Keep the kingdom titles to yourself and give duchies or counties to existing king vassals. Award. If you take control of the county yourself you can give it to a courier and then grant them independence. After quitting for the night and starting up again in the morning it counted my direct vassals correctly. If you create the Duchy and hand it over to someone else, but keep the Count of Wight as a direct vassal, you'll still get the penalty. Iirc there's a law in vassal contract that gives vassals bonus development at the expense of your own - can't remember how much Create the duchy, grant it to one of them, and it consolidates it to 1 vassal. Try to ensure your heir is the same culture/religion as the majority of your realm. If you want to be a peaceful and just ruler, bribe every vassal you have. CK3, is there a stringent "rule" that Paradox uses to decide if a nation should have an English or native name? upvotes · comments r/CrusaderKings We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So I just started my conquest of Ireland, which should be fairly easy thanks to a holy war, and after taking some counties I found out i gotta pay 500 of my hard earned coins to turn them into castles. Most of your non de jure vassals should be kings holding 50% of an Empire title or more. With the right optimization, all republican duchies are better than feudal/clan vassals. The only factors I can think of that may be involved: a few years prior I force vassalized the inheriting guy in question when I imprisoned him during a war and forced conversion to my religion. Granting this County (Can only grant Temples to adults of your Gender Law. Someone else said this, but I'll reiterate it: If that county is controlled by a count who is in control of more than one county, you cannot transfer that vassal without doing the following: 1)Transfer the vassal, giving that duke both counties that the count controls (to do this, you may have to look for the If you give counties to a duke and they go over their domain limit, they'll give away the extra counties to vassals of their own. humble, chaste, etc. If you have more than 40 duke-tier vassals, you'll have problems, but it takes a long time to get there. Their prior contract was to the Kingdom of France so it makes sense they should keep it. Also duke will be weaker then sum of all the counts inside that county. Is there any way to easily handle vassals to their rightful lieges? Right now I own more than half Europe and I'm well above vassal limit. And of course there's the stewardship lifestyle with the administrator tree: large levies = 20% levy increase from vassals and honored to serve = 20% more (and gold as well) from your powerful vassals. You can ask a vassal to end their war, but only if you are their direct liege, only if you didn't already ask them to recently, and even then they will likely refuse. Make sure that the relevant counties are properly vassalized to the correct vassal dukes. vy pr vv yy nj ic gt vl lk vh