My husband of 4 years has been cheating on me with his best friend reddit. html>zs

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Turns out late FIL was quite the ladies man before marrying (late) MIL and there are rumors that he never stopped his amorous extra-curricular My husband, who is 32 now, has been having an affair with a coworker since October. Our first two years of marriage was great. I've (33F) been with my husband (35M) for over a decade. My husband confessed cheating on me, 5 years after the fact. I’ve been married to my now husband for 6 years and we’ve been together for a total of 14 years. Over the last year, we have been actively trying for a baby but unfortunately unsuccessful. I’ve seen the chats and inside they were talking about wanting a baby and all the sex Four months this man has been fucking my best friend. The last 24 hours or so have been pure hell for me and I'm tired, and I cry constantly. He'd leave to go hang out with his female friend who he knew for 13 years. Formatting might be weird, on mobile. He’s the one that came clean because he was getting sextorted extortion. I've found out why my husband hides his best friend from me, and I don't think there's anything I can do about it. com I recently found out that my BF had cheated on his ex in the past (Not with me) Rant. I trusted both of them with my life. Found texts between my husband and my son's gf, he is cheating on me with a 17yo. They both suck and are selfish assholes. But on the third year of marriage this when he became distant. My dad must went through his 2nd divorce this year. I recently found out that my wife has been cheating on me for the last five years. Despite living in the same house we were so far apart. His best friend at the time was also disgusted in his behaviour and needless to say they are no longer friends. I found out two weeks ago out of the blue and I was so very naive and so was my twins fiance. The issues began when he met his friend, who I now know is his affair partner two years ago. I’m 34f. Our kids are the same age as theirs and are all good friends. Update: I caught my husband cheating on me with his stepsister. Me and my husband have been married for 3 years. I sought a shoulder to cry on with a male work colleague and we met regularly for lunch and quickly became close. My husband friend, Jake met on the lake and became good friends instantly. Firstly, this girl is NOT your best friend - Dump her. She agreed to tell me everything. Well, lo and behold my husband cheated on my twice (once beginning while I was pregnant and it continued for 1. ThrowRAelextric1212. I never stopped loving him since we first said 'I love you' to each other over a decade ago. I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone if she answered my questions. 2nd marriage lasted 20 years, he did everything for her, but despite having a kid together was very cold / non-tactile & her drinking became alcoholism after her dad died. My (27F) husband (24M) is cheating me with his brother. We dated for a year and got married. He tells me he loves me and begged for forgiveness. She is chronically couch surfing and has been doing so her entire adult life. 2 days ago, we both attended a family planning session to see what other options we had. Her husband became my husband’s best friend. Tldr - my husband is either cheating on me with our mutual friends' 18 yo foster son or he's trying to. This all started when I met a co worker (32M) of mine at a new job about 4 years ago. But let me explain. You owe him NOTHING. Especially after I had (more recently) gotten laid off my job, since the company I worked for had shut down, he helped me immensely. I met my husband when my boys were only three and one. Then they have to do everything (Within reason) the actor is doing. annie is very popular and quite often has It hit my husband hard and he isolated himself from everyone around while shutting me out emotionally. I had an unfaithful wife, and I will never under any circumstances taint my childs view of his mom. We have been married for 15 years and have two kids 8 and 10. Throughout the last 6 years I have found out 6 different instances where he was having insanely inappropriate conversations with women (who would send me I have been together with my husband for over 6 years. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me, but I don't even I just need a place to let this out. He waited untill I invested my savings in our house. I just found put this morning that my husband (8 years together, 1. Take your name off as his next of kin, block him and his sister from your life. It wasn't emotional cheating (he said he did it out of anger because I was insecure and jealous and I gave him a hard time) He initially denied everything, he blamed me for it and made up a whole fake story. My husband and her husband are best friends as well so as you can imagine the dynamics of our friendship has really taken a toll. I wish you would have left her 4 years ago. My husband was a consultant years ago and on his first trip out of the country, his father called me to tell me to remember I was a married woman now and to behave as such. We are all in our mid twenties, I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about 3 years now. I 28F just found out that my partner 31M of 12 years has been sexting in online chat rooms with local men for the past seven months. About a month ago, my husband told me he was bisexual, thankfully he didn't cheat on me again. She was my bridesmaid, her husband was a groomsman, and their kids were our ring bearer and flower girl. He treated my kids as his own and he was a great dad to them. He told me she was 22. I wanted more information on how long it’s been going on and at what age it started, so I decided to text Claire. Betrayed and hurt are an understatement, I never imagined the two My best friend since highschool (we’re in our 30s now) cheated on her husband and recently found out that he told everyone that she’s close to. I had to go to therapy to get help for my trauma… what the fuck did i even go Husband cheated with best friend. Until one day, I decided that I would We have been married for 23 years. PostSeparation We were getting divorced anyway, but I recently found out he’s been cheating since one year into our relationship. We were one big family unit. I've never met her, only heard about her. He told me (at the time of when I first found out about the affair) that he didn't have sex with her, just making out and fingering her. We have one child who will be 19 next week. The four of us were extremely tight. 5 married) has been having an affair with my best friend of 11 years. I love him like he's a soul mate. I was completely shocked, when I asked them what was going on they said he got arrested for disturbing the peace after getting into an unreasonably Throwaway_RA9090. He told me he couldn't eat, sleep, or breathe without me by his side; I loved him just as much. Best friend (34F) had secret friendship with my husband (33M) for two years. 1. Sep 11, 2023 · Cheating on your spouse with your spouse’s best friend not only makes you untrustworthy, it also makes you deceitful… Just let the man go in peace without the image of his ‘friend’ doing See full list on marriage. Sorry if there any mistakes, english is not something i am good at. I caught him talking to men on grindr. But I’ve been clutching this phone in my hand for two hours and nothing. You have that options too. They may be adults now, but it still hurts the same. You’ll have doubts as long as you’re with him your 24 years old move on and find somebody you can trust and who respects you. Okay, so, this sounds crazy, and I know it. We have been married for 4 years and have a 20 month old son together. My husband 29/M and I 28/F have been married to for 4 years now has a job where he is gone months at a time. Even a little bit so two weeks out. About four years ago my marriage was not good, I have a brilliant, loving and loyal husband with two kids but for some reason I had fallen out of love with him, at the same time I was having a very stressful work load. Unfortunately I have been married for 30 years and found out my husband had been cheating on me from 2020 to 2023. My husband 33M has been cheating on me 30F for a year. Husband’s long term cheating was revealed and his family has been covering for him. My friend was upset because she believed she was on the verge of divorce, my husband and I comforted her and even bought her drinks. We used to do things as a group of 4 and now barely hangout. To fill in some background for my decision, my wife and I have two children, a 3 year old and a 6 month old baby. he obviously is cheating on you evidently with men also you don’t trust him. He is my best friend, my greatest confidant, my biggest advocate. I found out that my boyfriend of almost 4 years has been cheating on me online, on reddit nsfw locals subreddits. I still loved and I stayed loyal with him. I (f23)have been with my boyfriend (m29) for 3 years now. We have lived with each other since the start. First marriage was to my mum who was, to put it mildly, a cheater who took his kids away to live with an abusive man. These friends supported me and my kids through Rough times. I agree. Here's the story: We have been married for 13 years and have 2 kids. I would not be alive if it wasn't for him. His story is that he went to her house to get paid for construction work he did on our workplace,she answered the door naked and they had sex. We were together five years before getting married. I'm writing this on a throwaway, because I have friends that use reddit on occasion. What kind of trailer park maury povitch bullshit have they been doing. It would have been easier on your children. annie still lives with us as she is senior in highschool. I cheated on my husband not once, but twice. I have an amazing relationship with my husband. Feb 2, 2022 · Responding effectively to infidelity requires weighing multiple considerations, including one's ability to put it in the past. But my husband confessed to me that he was a serial cheater in the past. He comes from a strict religious background and was a virgin when we married. He was with her the longest from age 20 to 23. I adore them, every day when I come back from work my 3 year old gives me a huge smile and shouts in happiness, it's the best part of my day Advice. You have to learn to live by your words. Although I told him I was not a virgin I lied about it being a one time drunken mistake in high school. So, the affair started a year ago and I found out immediately My husband and my best friend. We were young when we started dating and a lot of unhealthy pattern snuck in. We went back to A woman has shared her heartache after discovering her husband of six years has been having a secret affair with her best friend - causing her support system to come crashing down when she needed My boyfriend (29M) and I (26F) have been dating for around 4 years now. We did dinner together a few times a week. My husband 31M has been cheating on me 28F my whole pregnancy. Infidelity. Once they find out it was all a charade these last few years, they're going to be hurt, and feel it was their fault. Early this morning (2AM) I got a phone call from a police station in a neighboring town that my husband has been arrested, I needed to go pay and get him out. I'm in my late 30s, he is in his early 40s. It sounds funny, but they pull up a random page and each picks a person to be. I was exactly where you are now one week out. You're allowed to be selfish, that's a GOOD thing. I went on his instagram when he wasn’t around his phone and found messages on there with a woman and I went through all the messages, there was messages from 2016 in there. I found out that he was cheating on me for the last 6 months with his best friend! I got so mad. partner of almost 4 years cheating on me. Then a few months ago, he told me she was actually 18. Four months these people have been lying to my face. He knows this is what would hurt me most in the world because I have previous trauma from being cheated on. I met my current BF in 2020. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. He is one of the sweetest men I've ever met in my life, he's been my biggest supporter ever since we met. My (F42) husband (M45) and i have been married for 20 years, and have a son who is 17. we have 4 daughters together who have all become successful and had kids of their own minus our youngest age 17 annie who we had 16 years after our first. Children are not weapons to be used to get revenge on an awful spouse. me and my husband have had a perfect marriage for the past 34 years. But the toll was done to our marriage, none the less. Me and my fiancé have a open phone policy seeing as we both struggled with getting cheated on in past relationships. He waited 5 years. It was young love at its finest. My wife and twin brother have been having an affair for 3 and a half years. We would all hang out all the time. Last week, I (29F) caught my husband Jack (30M) cheating on me with his stepsister Claire (24F). Found out my soon-to-be-ex husband has been cheating on me since at least a year after we met. In hindsight I should have been weary about my husband and her spending time together, but I was 100‰ trusting. I was sexually active with many partners in high school and college. Angie = My mom (56) Peach = Best Friend (soon to be ex-best friend) Alex = My fiancé (soon to be ex) So, a week ago Alex was taking a shower and had left his phone on our bed. My husband is a piece of shit individual who I only married for his money. You kids in your 20s really need a toughen up. She blocked me on all social media even from his accounts. Vent/Rant/FML. We have been dating since high school, and I thought everything was good. There was a few times in the beginning that I wasn’t too sure he was faithful but I gave him the benefit of doubt. Trying to work things out. I (26m) found out my wife (26f) has been sleeping with a colleague of hers for a while now and I've decided I'm going to do nothing about it. What in the hell is wrong with you young people. Jack didn't want to be alone all night, so he said he'd just go hangout with his stepsister (they've always been close), and they ended up My (30F) husband (32M) husband cheated on me with his best friend (35F). . So yesterday I posted about how my childhood best friend cheating on her bf for the whole 3 years they have been dating. I (40M) just found out my wife (41F) has been cheating on me for five years. So, first my husband and I have been together for 6yrs, married almost 2 yrs now. ) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My husband and I have been together for eight years, married for one and a half. Somewhere along the way, things got stale, as they do after you have kids, get comfortable in your roles with each other, etc. Even the first time meeting him he was incredibly handsome, very confident and charming. Recently found out he (has been) cheated on me with his best friend who he said does not love and made a mistake. Almost a month ago i’ve discovered of the affair that he was having with another woman for a year. We reconciled. Shortly after finding out (as in, a matter of days), my husband confessed to me that he's been carrying on affairs with multiple women since I was pregnant with our youngest child. On Father’s Day of all days, it was revealed to me that he has been cheating on me with a family friend that his sisters introduced him to. I went out with a friend last Saturday and planned to stay at her house. My husband (43M) and I (36F) were going a rough patch at the time, for reasons I dont want to disclose since I dont . I just found out her birthday is in Feb. 10 years ago I met this woman at work and she became one of my best friends. I (43F) have been married to my husband for 15 years and I have been consistently lying about who I've been with on certain nights for years. The first night they fooled around, it was when the three of us had gotten drunk. Just make sure you never punish your children for your husbands shitty life choices. I don't know what the next steps are. I need help because I am not doing okay. You are way to young to put up with this shit. In my situation there was no way for another chance because all of his cheating (messaging other women and being on dating apps, he needs his precious ego stroked constantly) happened while he was away for work for extended periods of time, and we live 2 hours away already, and he is about to leave the country for work for at least a year. Let me explain. My husband (30) and I (28) have been together for 10 years, married for 8 (yes we got married young). I have not been without my faults. My husband is a narcissist- jealous, controlling and manipulative person but he was a great father to my kids. 689K subscribers in the Marriage community. I was not. Some background - My husband of 22years cheated on me. And it’s not completely insane to think a couple that have been together for such a long time might take their relationship seriously. The last time I spoke to her she told me they were getting married and I told her she should come clean. Should I forgive him? My husband and I met 16 years ago in grad school and we have been married for 12. And I know what you’re going to say, you should’ve seen the warning signs. Obviously this is a throwaway. Reddit story ‘My husband is cheating on me with my best friend’ explored. (Go figure seeing my situation. We used to want to have more kids but my body wasn't able to get pregnant, i suffered from 2 miscarriages my husband of 34 years (age 58) cheated on me with an 18 year old. We were discussing retirement plans and downsizing our home for when our son moves out. We have no kids yet. Get rid of the boyfriend and best friend. We have two kids. I only know for sure that she's been cheating for a few months, but for all I know it could have been going on as long as 2 years (that's how long she's had her current job). The two met 12 years ago my husband had an EA with my female best friend while I was dying. My husband and I have been married for 18 years and have 4 children. ADMIN MOD. Today, I found out my husband has been cheating on me for over a year with his work colleague while we were trying to have a baby. We are both 34. It’s not unheard of for someone in their 60s-70s (roughly guessing) to be on Reddit. So my (37F) best friend of 15 years (34F) and my husband of 8 years (33M) have been having a secret friendship. My husband cheated on me for a long time. But alas, you cannot change the past. I (26f) have been married to my husband Dylan (26m) for three years. A woman has shared her heartache after discovering her husband of six years has been having a secret affair with her best friend - causing her support system to come crashing down when she needed ThrowRA4534536. My husband (30M) cheated on me with a girl (30F) that was supposed to be my best friend. I’ve met younger dudes who have a cheesy sense of honor too. During an argument and a mental health episode (bipolar disorder),he admitted to cheating on me one time 4 years ago with my boss. Studies show that 20 percent or more of men will be unfaithful to OP and husband have been in a relationship for 50 years. We hung out together as families and our kids played together. To be clear, she has not been cheating on me for 17 years, that's how long we've been married. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. Just wondering how many people have stayed together for the kids or ended the relationship. Boyfriend of 3 years is cheating on me with his Coworker. After two years of marriage, I gave birth to my beautiful twins. After a few weeks I confronted him again, he denied again We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Lastly, you seem to want to expand his sexual experiences. To make things worse, I am eight months pregnant with our second child. Your words were, “If he were to ever do it again, I will not handle it. We met through at a friends home party and connected almost immediately, he started talking to me first. I take your point that this wasn't a one-time mistake. However, I believe he may be cheating on me with our babysitter. Throwaway 4 obivous reasons. My husband is 38m and we have three children together, 6, 4, and 8 months. In this staleness, my husband became married to his work. 5 years), trickle-truthed me for years, then tried to kill himself after finally admitting to everything only about a month ago. At first was insecure but with time I trusted him. She hurt me, she has always been a good mother to him, so we split custody 50/50. I genuinely loved him and we had 3 children. And she's been with his friend for 4 years now. We met not long ago, but we fell in love on the first sight and we got married the same day we met. I (F 35) believe my husband (M 40) is cheating on me with our nanny (F 16) I have four wonderful children and have been married for 10 years. My husband “best friend” obsessed with him. The post begins with the story of a woman who recalled her relationship with her husband of six years. So I (25F) am leaving my husband (28M) after 6 years together and less than a year of marriage. 5 years. My friend's (She cheated on her husband, both my friends) started something funny that fixed this same issue. I don't know much about his past romantic life and exes, except one. I (33F) found out my husband (27M) has been cheating on me for years I recently found out that my husband of almost two years has been cheating on me for the almost entirely of our relationship. You need to divorce your wife. My husband and I got married in our late teens. So two years ago my friend came to stay with us. Secondly, your ex is not your responsibility any longer. We have been married for almost 10 years. We nearly never fought. She is going to do this again and might do it with whoever you date. What in the actual fuck. He was my first everything, first love, first lover, first boyfriend, first husband, everything. My husband had a best friend “Jake (40M) who I think is obsessed with my husband. Even though I had enough evidence. Firstly, your primary concern hast to be you and your baby and your well being. They started doing porn roulette. I (30)have been with my husband (34)for 12 years,married 2. She has been our babysitter for about 6 months now. We have been together for almost eight years and within this years we have stopped having sex for six of the eight years. In the last year he came out as bisexual but not by choice. We went on vacations together. I never would expect them to betray me like this. We have 3 kids--ages 4, 3, and 1--and I just found out that I am expecting our fourth. When he was 28 and I was 29 I found I have been cheating on my husband for 3 years. Hello everyone. Shithead and Sarah have been like family to my wife and I for several years, practically ever since we moved in across the street from them. I was so freaken offended. He has been so loving and attentive to me, but he always has been. I want to preface all of this by explaining what happened in the days leading My (30F) husband (31M) has been emotionally cheating on me our entire 7 years together I recently found out that my husband of 3 years (been together for 7) has been posting nudes on a NSFW subreddit, and sexting other people in the same subreddit. His friend openly told us numerous times that years back his first wife cheated on him. We actually met in graduate school where he pretty much terrorized my everyday life. We have a 4 year old son together which does complicate the divorce part, but I have to do it. I never suspected anything off about him spending time with her because she's always been his comfort person. I thankfully survived, so they never went physical. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. No kids. zs ct po fc tx wb yj tg io ca