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My friend always asks about my boyfriend

Explain the need for trust, and some degree of privacy in a healthy relationship, and the consequences for refusing to give you that basic need. Jun 15, 2023 · 22. The guy is merely trying to make a conversation here. Instead of asking your partner for what you need from them, ask them what they want from you. In a one-sided friendship, the communication, time, and effort needed to sustain the connection typically falls to one person. Like the other day as I was making the bed he walked in and asked me what I was doing. My best friend is engaged and I am building a friendship with the fiancé. That way he'll be able help include you in the conversation more next time. If he continues to 'love' you and treat you with respect and affection, then all well and good. Think about what you’ll say to start the conversation. How you say, ‘I love you, sweetie. I know that doesn't seem like he is being thoughtful or sensitive enough, but you can't blame him for not having the right thoughts-- it hardly means he has bad intentions. If they're always pursuing someone, I tend to proceed with caution. If you’ve never met his ex, you can ask to meet her and watch his reaction. This should be obvious. Laying on a few subtle, and not so subtle, hints to your friend reaffirms to them that he is yours. Asking about your dating scene could be her way of gauging if there’s still a chance or if you’ve moved on. One of his friends is just like you. "One friend only talked about herself unless she was asking about my relationship with my boyfriend, so I dropped her. I (32) have been reliant on the goodwill of friends myself when i was younger, so I feel for her and don't want to see her in trouble especially when she has a small child. When you hang out, pay attention to how he treats you. Your Partner Isolates You. ADMIN MOD. Whenever we hang out or go out to the bars, he always has a question about where my boyfriend is from, what does he do, etc. If you’ve done everything and yet you still feel “off” about your boyfriend and your relationship, then maybe it’s time you took a step back and reconsider. In fact, he might even be interested in hanging out with you more than your own boyfriend! 2. Allow him to express his feelings without judgment, and be sure to listen to his point of view. In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I’m in college and have been with my boyfriend for nearly two years. Suggest they talk to a professional. Award. Simply express empathy. Doesn't have a deadbeat boyfriend currently, but her ex-deadbeat boyfriend broke up with her the day they finished the didactic portion of pharmacy school, and she's been desperate for Oct 24, 2023 · Takeaway. Oct 24, 2023 · Encourage them to be honest with you if they can’t–or don’t want to–show up. If your boyfriend can boost your mood when you’re stressed or upset, that’s a solid reason why you’d be in love with him. Identify red flags early on. Remember: You’re their friend, not their therapist. Dec 9, 2023 · Regret and Reassessment: Maybe she’s having second thoughts about the breakup. Flirting. If he is interested in you, he would be grateful for it. Sep 28, 2023 · So help him to let his guard down and remind him that you want him to talk to you about these things, not his ex. Feb 15, 2012 · On top of that, your new boyfriend asked you a hypothetical question about your ex which made you tear up. Feb 23, 2012 · Practice what you want to say to your boyfriend in front of a mirror, or with a friend, or write that out in your journal, too. “I had free time so I met Angelina at her new home. Start saying 'no' and see what happens. My girlfriend is just one of those people that asks questions about EVERYTHING and its driving me insane. If he says that they’re just friends, ask him whether any of his other friends know the things his ex knows. Nonetheless, it can be disconcerting when you learn from a friend that your ex has been inquiring about you. Show you what he needs in the relationship. #11 He is trying to make a conversation. But if it becomes a pattern and he’s constantly asking for more money, it’s time to pay attention. Tell other people how he uplifts you during tough times and always makes you feel like things will get better. They encourage you to make poor decisions. He should be transparent about his whereabouts. There’s only so much listening you can do. 26. “I’m Sep 6, 2020 · published. If he seems as though he is lying, have a conversation with him about trust. Provide positive reinforcement. Use the time to reassess your own life, and the goals you want to achieve. Admit it: even if you’re the one doing the dumping, part of you always wants your ex to miss you a bit. Friend keeps asking me for money. My friend is always asking to borrow money! My friend has been going through a harder time lately and asks to borrow money from me every other week. Don’t wait for your partner to ask you about your day. Establish open communication. If you start to feel left out, wait and talk to your boyfriend about it after the two of you leave. You can then start discussing a payment plan to get your money back. If you're not interested in him, ignore his question. If she can't see that, then maybe she is not being a good friend. I told her i had 15 thousand a while back because she told me she had that much saved too (i think she is broke now because her bf of 5 years got out of jail and she helped him out). Make sure your boyfriend shows respect for your friendships. Some of them I did sleep with. I and my ex have broken up for 6 months for some reasons. Every day is an adventure with you. My hubs asks me rhetorical questions all the time. He's either scrolling through social media or texting 1 or multiple friends both male and female and he'll usually get 1-2 phone calls most days too. My friend keeps asking me to borrow money. Focus on what she wants, not necessarily the boyfriend. He always ask, "how's (name) doing?" for no apparent reason. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She always pays it back when she gets paid but i’m just tired of her asking me. 14. I don’t ask him where he’s going every time he leaves or if he’s not home when I get back from work. Oct 19, 2019 · Below are some tips for the person who tends to be more defensive: Own it. " Summing up. It's your first relationship which is probably why you are not aware of red flags. To me it seems pretty basic friend stuff. ”. She can't get a job because she has to look after her kid and can't afford childcare. Think about if your female friend asked you about your boyfriend. No one wants to feel like someone is better off Feb 16, 2019 · Here are 9 signs that you should keep swiping. Closure is another. Your partner may be the person you should be able to be completely open with. Classic sign of possibly having ADHD. He always wants to hang out with you. He is a very sweet guy who I trust and I know loves me. Best friend of 5 years always talks about how depressed she is, but won't listen to my advice even though I struggled with depression myself and got through it. As a result, it can leave you feeling Tbh I had a relationship where my ex wanted access to who is my friend so he can tell me who my friend is or not, thank God it's an Ex and will be, if you're in a relationship you can set boundaries, if a guy wants to take control of certain things it means overstepping your boundaries which is bad, recently went to a hospital for an infection, thought it was ok to tell 1 Friend and he told a May 3, 2015 · I can give you a little smile to let you know things are ok, and it won't break my concentration. Since then, I haven’t met him anymore. Tell him to start asking about your day. If he calls her names, for example, you might want to think twice about who you are in a relationship with. Being around him is never fun. If Jun 16, 2023 · Ask what your partner needs. Going through your boyfriend’s texts might be an invasion of privacy. Alert_Dimension_5184. She is no longer your friend. But one thing is just how insecure he is. I am helping her set up the place”. Thanks! When trying to understand why he asked whether or not you have a boyfriend it would help to consider how he reacts to seeing you. He's unable to focus/pay attention and hold onto the information you're giving him during a conversation. 7. Basically, my friend (16F) and I (16M) used to play a lot of video games for a long time. You're the reason for all my happiness. I have a bf that is a Ask him to repeat it and say, "Turn-off, now, ask me what my favorite song is" IF he does, say turn-on and tell him your favorite song, and keep it going for awhile. My relationship with my boyfriend is built on trust, understanding, respect, shared experiences, and growth together. You can talk a bit and hopefully get the point across that he's starting to creep you out. Too much time apart if it causes your partner dissatisfaction. Jan 2, 2020 · Partners who trust one another shouldn't grill their partners about their friends, either. Answer it honestly to see if he digs into the plan. You can't turn to someone and say "I find you BORING" and expect them to be ok. I wouldn't trade your love for all the money in the world. " Jun 12, 2022 · Step 5: Recommit to the relationship or take a break. Just Being Friendly: If you ended on good terms, she might genuinely be interested in your well-being, including your love life. The same thing is you can't lie to someone and expect them to "catch what you mean". . Hopefully she chooses the latter at some point and you can tell her that her relationship with her boyfriend is straining your friendship since you see her constantly being hurt by her significant other. May 8, 2024 · Whether it’s intentional or subconscious, “a toxic person tends to be controlling, demanding, manipulative, demeaning, and/or self-centered,” he says. For me, this is extremely irritating. If he's serious about fixing the problem, you can even offer to help him with his monthly budget if you want. 0 Reply. That you still love me even though you’ve seen me looking terrible. Nov 13, 2023 · Following a breakup, it's not uncommon for individuals to exhibit unusual behavior. On my way to drop her home”. You clearly still have some feelings for your ex and that's okay. If her abandonment is making you upset and envious, it may be because there are areas of your own life that you're unhappy with. Take notes! 1. 15 17 hours ago · 8. If you still really, truly love him despite having a weird feeling about him, maybe it will be healthier for both of you to Last night his friend was going to ask his brother if he could get a tool for us to use. Anyways - I'm currently in a loving relationship with my boyfriend, but I have a guy friend (who is seeing another girl ATM) - who keeps asking about my current boyfriend. 1. If he is dodgy or defensive about it, it might be her. One in particular he asks me about all the time is a stripper I sorta dated and ended up giving up on specifically because I wanted to be with my now bf. " "Hey bf, I know you're only doing this because you care about me, but I'm not a naturally perky person, and I'm a bit introverted. “Suggest that they may benefit more from speaking to a May 25, 2017 · Even healthy relationships aren't perfect, but don't ignore the red flags. I'd do anything to see you smile. This morning, I asked my boyfriend if he knew if we were going to get the tool. But he keeps asking me where I’m at if I’m not home when he gets home from work, or he’ll ask me where I’m going if I open the door or grab my keys. But it's amazing how often we jump through psychological hoops of self-justification to Feb 15, 2024 · 16 Boundaries My Boyfriend Should Have With His Female Friends. Dec 27, 2023 · Here are 10 reasons why a guy asks if you have a boyfriend or not. If you want to learn more about your partner and their other relationships, approach the conversation Feb 20, 2024 · Curiosity is a big one. If your boyfriend’s friend is always trying to hang out with you and never leaves your side, then it’s safe to say that he’s infatuated with you. So even when you've made up, your Having communication issues is very bad when it comes to things like this, if you explain to your family and ask them to have an open mind, they might change. He is being deliberately disrespectful and controlling. Doing so may also make them feel guilty about their plans and help them decide to back off. Mar 19, 2018 · Plan it in advance, and make sure you invite girls you both love hanging out with, but maybe don't get to see as often as you would like. 23. Here, you'll find 230 deep, fun and juicy questions to ask your bf, spanning a variety of thought-provoking topics and subjects. Sep 29, 2021 · Then, you end up giving in to make the other person happy and relieve your guilt. Personal issues. I have this one friend and she always asks me what I get on papers, tests, et cetera, and it's really annoying. 2. Any man who demands proof of your whereabouts and constantly asks you about your location is creepy and controlling. If he changes his body language, noticeably, when he sees you then it would make it more likely that he has particularly good or bad feelings about you. If the ex is asking. They may have their own reasons for pulling away, including unmet needs of their own. Your feelings matter too. She doesn’t really like to work and if she loses a job she doesn’t try very hard to get a new one which is the situation right now. READ MORE. Be aware of the thoughts you have and question whether they are really founded or irrational. They are currently in the process of getting divorced. A guy needs to feel invested in the relationship and that you care about what he cares about. This is due to the stress and pressure that breakups can bring. My bf is a little tubby. Partner never asks me questions about myself, my day etc. However, sometimes I ask to figure out what they're up to in that kind of thing. Your Turn: “My Boyfriend Talks to Me About Other Women”. Mar 16, 2019 · My Best Friend Keeps Flirting With My Boyfriend & I’m Afraid To Confront Her About It. But keep in mind, "if [your partner cares] enough to go out of their way to look at the page, there’s a high chance they’re still attached to their Sounds like trust issues with a sprinkle of control. You have the most adorable smile. Xper 3 Age: 29. Jan 4, 2023 · Consider asking him why he prioritizes his female friends over you, and ask him to explain how his behavior makes you feel. Nov 1, 2019 · 9. This makes an already challenging situation even more confusing as you wonder why he's Jan 19, 2017 · Center your support around your friend. Jan 22, 2024 · I love your _____. iStock/pixelfit. You're my best friend. Hence, asking you a question later about something you already told him. While it may not always be easy to be vulnerable and straightforward, this may be the only way to ensure your relationship is one you can We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sep 6, 2020. His family is like that too though. Aug 5, 2021 · 1. Method 2. He said he was not good enough for me. Make sure there are appropriate boundaries - ask BF to unfollow and maybe block her and explain why - you've noticed her being flirtatious, and you don't trust HER to maintain appropriate boundaries. A real friend would not flirt with your partner, no matter how much they fancied them. Link. It may start with small requests, like borrowing a few dollars here and there. He might be looking for a one-time thing only. Share your day with them. Please stop asking me how I am. 5 years* and he is on his phone 75%-90% of the time we spend together. His friend didn’t know if his brother was available. My boyfriend got a little exasperated with tone and expression and said “I don’t know - I haven’t heard from my Apr 18, 2019 · 12. Talk with your friend: “I want to support you, but I don’t want to invade your wife’s space or this special My friend (28) is a single mom of a 2yo son and struggling to manage on welfare. I would recommend establishing some boundaries to separate normal conversation and curiosity, from overbearing nosiness. Our relationship started about 3 months after he separated from his wife of 10 yrs after she cheated on him on 2 occasions. Ayana says to, "periodically ask questions to show continued interest in her issue, and at the same time allowing her to talk through her frustration. My (29) GF (27) asks too many questions and its driving me insane. If he reacts to seeing you by doing things such as: Adjusting In conclusion, love is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs but ultimately brings immense happiness into our lives. I usually ask this to know whether or not they're available. +1 y. by Giulia Simolo Mar 16, 2019. We laugh, joke around, and often tease each other. Jul 23, 2020 · 1. If I am doing ANYTHING ELSE which requires concentration, and you start asking me stuff, then you are asking me to divide my attention (actually, you are asking me to deprioritize whatever I am doing, even if I think it is important, to pay attention to you). May 10, 2023 · One of the most obvious signs that your boyfriend is using you for money is that he always asks you for it. If your partner says, "Hey, you forgot the orange juice," observe your reaction. Any advice??? Friend always comparing and asking about my grades. He touches his face when he talks to you. My boyfriend always asks what I'm doing if I use my phone. It's probably the same thing. But you need to be aware of that, deal with it and move on or you risk messing things up with the new guy. I'm friends with many people that I met in online dating communities. Use of drugs or alcohol that impacts the relationship or work. Like clockwork he'll text my guy friend the next day asking how I'm doing. Jul 1, 2020 · Before things get even more out of control, you may want to ask your partner to seek money management help, Tessina says, or to see a therapist in order to get to the root cause of their overspending. And she needs to respect that, but you don't get to complain on what happens after. Deepen intimacy. It sucks to introduce your boyfriend to your best friend and realize that you’re the odd one out, the candle-holder, the one feeling like a loser—all thanks to your friend who’s stealing the spotlight Oct 27, 2020 · It’s so easy for us to hear one thing when our man is really saying another. Not because my friend is worried or jealous, just because 99% of the things I have to say to him include her in some way. A recent example would be earlier I was texting her that my Mar 26, 2024 · After all, understanding their core values and beliefs is a key indicator of how compatible you are. He might be curious. It is possible that you are overthinking this. Friend always comparing and asking about my grades : r/offmychest. When we talk on the phone for hours, even though it only feels like ten minutes. This is always through a reference of something we were talking about, she’ll relate and include him in the discussion. What Girls & Guys Said. They miss you and want you back. He shouldn’t keep any secrets from you. X Whatsapp LinkedIn. SoberForNow. I fear that if our relationship goes further I’ll always be the bad guy or the crazy girlfriend. Your sense of self is blurred. If he's overly polite, compliments you, or makes excuses get closer to you, he's probably interested. And whenever I have a joke about my friend or whatever, I text a group chat with all 3 of us, I don’t really text him directly much at all. After listening to their side of the story with curiosity and compassion, share yours, being careful to use Apr 25, 2024 · Smile, laugh, and listen, but don't worry if they don't break down every detail for you. These factors contribute to the deep affection I feel towards him every day. We’ve taken the top 11 occurrences to help you decode what he’s REALLY saying to you. Friends who don’t care about you won’t give you sound advice when it comes to making impactful decisions. How we stay up too late talking about our future. When a guy asks you about your plans and wants to play along, it is harmless to flirt and tell him that you plan to be his wife or girlfriend. Maybe you should also tell your friends to refrain from asking you about your dating life as you are not used with it. The number-one tip for improving communication within your relationship is generally to be honest with your partner. He was just trying to have a conversation. Ask them about their day. Reply reply. He might be attracted to you. Give me a moment to manage that and I'll respond. Actually, I still love him and I knew he wouldn’t ask me to come back so I denied, I don’t want to be hurt more. Image credit: Dil Diya Dard Liya (1966) Woe Is Me! is a series in which The Swaddle team indulges your pity party with advice you’ll probably ignore. Overall, our relationship is great: we have a lot of fun Xper 4 Age: 28. I always joke that my partner probably doesn’t know anything about my life and would fail one of those pre In these cases, to overcome jealousy when your partner chooses his friends, it is important to carry out the following actions: Work in increase your self-esteem. Anyway, something I’ve noticed is she always mentions her long distance boyfriend when we’re working on these projects. That's why we've compiled the ultimate list of things to ask your boyfriend. Don't continue this relationship. You're more than my boyfriend. Xper 5 Age: 28. He is most likely interested though. He cares about you as a friend and wants to protect you and make sure your boyfriend won't hurt you. After breaking up, he asked me to met him as a friend but I denied. Yea so this guy always asks about me to my friends, he doesn't have my number. " Dr. Do not shame or judge your friend. ’. Work on dismantling the romantic idea we have of love. Every time me and my boyfriend message each other his only question to me Is "what are you doing", I noticed it in the beginning when we started to…. And tell them you're not gay or straight, and that you're just not interested. Making room for the Jul 4, 2022 · 10. From there, you can discuss potential compromises or solutions to the situation. My friend mentioned that he does it mostly after he's just physically seen me in a hangout session. On the other hand, if you only hang out in groups and he talks to you like he talks to his other bros, he may just see you as a friend. 6 days ago · X Research source. We have been dating now for 6 months. “Just had dinner with Amelia. Don't take it personally. Towards the end of our friendship she was always the one instigating, so I just decided that the next time she asked to meet up I'd go but I needed to tell her things aren't working within the first 5 minutes. A common sign of manipulation in relationships is when you start losing a sense He's a controlling jerk. If your friend is leaving a serious void, fill it with distractions. A secret romantic relationship or pattern of flirting. 24. When you ask your partner how their day was, it shows that you’re interested in their life and that you care about what they have to say. I am a 26 y/o (F) and my 26 y/o (M) boyfriend have been dating for 3. Friends can offer support in so many ways: soup when you Getting cozy doesn't always come with the tag of making out. Make a plan to talk to him when you’re not in the “heat of the moment” — a time when you have some privacy but aren’t hooking up. Two, and this is true of a lot of guys, we cannot do multiple things at once. I’m now wary that the “resolutions” we reached are not from my boyfriend, but from his friends. May 3, 2024 · Be honest. ynnoj75 Follow. Share. If your BFF is happy, you're happy. We’ve been together for 6 years and it’s something that’s always bothered me. If your reaction is to criticize back, take a breath instead and say, "Hey, fair enough, but I am feeling reactive. I agree with this. Jan 29, 2019 · Put your energy into something new and exciting. Ask to meet his ex. Instead, she relies on me and other people to help bail her My boyfriend of 6 months has a female friend who texts him on a daily basis. Aug 9, 2022 · A good litmus test: If your friends and family express concern over your partner’s behavior, then this likely isn’t the relationship for you, says O’Reilly. Dec 5, 2023 · 5. Apr 15, 2024 · If you see your boyfriend texting someone frequently, ask him who it is. 25. I need to rant/confess so if this is not that right sub for it sorry. "If it’s never reciprocated and they also never remember You’ll never know until you put your foot down and say what you’re comfortable with and see if he’ll compromise, if not, then you have a different conversation. While you should not be too defensive when your best friend is brought up, you should also not tolerate complete disrespect. The way you ask a person about the weather, he asks you about your weekend plans. If I tell her that it's a secret, she keeps pushing me and trying to get me to tell her. 6. Asking your boyfriend good questions can: Help you get to know him better. Remind your friend that he is your boyfriend, not theirs. Strong bonds require respect, support and most importantly, effort. “Letting friends know that their relationship issues are something you do not feel equipped to help them solve is one strategy,” Poss said. If he forgets to ask, just say, "So ask me about my day!" Or you don't even have to say that, just start talking about your day ("So Sep 4, 2022 · Two, if you share about a fight you had in your relationship, friends and family tend to be about six-to-nine months behind in the emotional recovery process. 13. “He always knows how to brighten my day. In fact, if it suits them, they will even encourage you to make the wrong decisions. " [via] 10. Oct 5, 2017 · His job is to help his wife, who is looking at a slightly tougher assignment. In my head I’m thinking “oh just relaxing and eating bon bons”, or “I’ll give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don’t count” but, I responded with “what’s it look like I’m doing”, He finds Jun 14, 2024 · Expert Answer. He wants to date you. My boyfriend asks me to choose between him and my friends, but I secretly always want to choose my friends. This is a way of channeling more effective communication through a solution-oriented approach. Try to get him to do the same for you too. Imagine you go out with a friend, and you have more to drink than planned. 4. Sylore Follow. Yes, it's very normal for friends to ask about such thing but they cannot force you to provide them any answer if you don't feel like it tho. " We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to start a dialogue. This is a serious relationship and I want to know who I’m dating — how he genuinely acts in an argument and how he resolves disagreements. Reply. They’re nice but they never ask me any questions. I'll be sure to let you know if I'm not okay. 0 2. Strengthen the relationship. I had a friend who did the same thing. If your squad avoids these faux pas, they're all Sep 20, 2023 · 1. jl kq qo kq lo dx xj ay be ty