Old money girl names

This is similar to number 3, and going by In Latin, Margareta means ‘pearl’. Irving. Writers, philosophers, artists, and engineers have all left a lasting impression on French society over the centuries. It’s a name fit for a princess, quite literally. Faye. Addy. To elegant vintage names like Margot, Scarlett, and Audrey. Naming your beautiful baby girl is a challenging and meaningful decision. Angel. These ultra-feminine names tend to be soft, delicate, and pretty-sounding. Blaire, Sutton, Sloane and the like as girl names sound like new money Manhattan prep school girls, not old money. Vilde is a shortened form of Alvilde – derived from the Old Norse Alfhildr, with “alfr,” meaning “elf” and “hildr,” meaning “battle. Bess. When it comes to old money boy names, last names such as Sinclair and Sumner are popular, as are Penn, Warn, Orlando and Apr 30, 2023 · Here are a few unique old money boy names: Algernon: This name comes from the French “aux gernons,” meaning “with mustaches. These names are not only beautiful sounding but also carry deep, meaningful sentiments. I’m fascinated with uncommon old fashioned baby girl names. Latin girl’s name. ”. If you're in search for a preppy girl name for your book character, go through our list of girls names including over 250 old money baby names to find the perfect name for your preppy, posh or royal female character. May 25, 2023 · Alice is a classic literary name that's both strong and sweet, ranking in the US Top 100 and popular throughout the western world. Harrison Hoblitzelle. Variations: Alvilde. Avie, Lina) Camille – “Helper to the priest” (nn. This is another old money name that we love. Kingsley. It's a surname as a first name which has been an 'old money' trope since the 1900s (See Beverly of Apr 10, 2024 · What names are considered old money? Old money is basically families who grew up in wealth passed down through generations. Jun 14, 2024 · Funny Old Lady Names for Dogs. Old Money means people who have inherited generational wealth and have been wealthy for the past few generations. It's an English name that means "mild strength. The name Emma is derived from the Germanic word "ermen", meaning "whole" or "universal. Flora. Our Favorite Old-Fashioned Girl Names that Start with A to C Mar 30, 2023 · Speaking about the girls names, she added: "Old money girl names are deeply rooted. Blake. Olivia is originally derived from the Latin word "oliva" meaning "olive" or "olive tree", and is a feminine form of Oliver. Nicknames for girls were also popular with Girly Girl Fantasy Names. Include a middle name: Give the child a middle name that can be combined with their first name, like Jean Paul or Billy Joel. In fact, I named my own daughter Sylvia, which I think is one of those beautiful vintage girl names you Sep 5, 2023 · Some famous baby girl names inspired by wealthy fictional characters include Scarlett (inspired by Scarlett O'Hara, the protagonist of ‘Gone with the Wind’), Daenerys (from Daenerys Targaryen of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ novel series), Leia (from Leia Organa of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise), and Blair (inspired by Blair Waldorf of Old money names would either be classic names or if the child was a first-born who was given the mother's maiden name it would be very WASPy but not a trendy name. One of the most lavish flower names on the market, Amaryllis has so much more substance than names like Lily or Violet. Squash two names together: There are probably not a lot of boys named BillBurt, for instance. Old French male names are not just born from kings and generals. Pregnant? Get week-by-week updates to your inbox Subscribe now. 41. Origin: From the Old High German name “Willehelm”. Tomaso– the De Tomaso P72 car is $1. Some of the most popular names in Mexico in 2017 and the most popular Spanish names in the U. Here are ten rich last names from the world’s wealthiest non-royal families. More unusual girl names among the Victorian royal baby names include Alberta, Augusta, and Maud. Some other old money English surnames include “Tottenham” and “Coventry. A variation of Eugenia. Dec 21, 2023 · Old Money Boy Names That Start With A: Adrian (Latin and Greek) – Rich, wealthy. These last names have the greatest impressions and represent the most influential families. Old MoneyMoney is an aesthetic based Searching for elegant girl names? This is the *must-have* list of old money names for girls - these baby names are uncommon, unique and some are totally popular and pretty. Use these trendy, timeless names & cute nicknames for girls as writing inspiration & prompts for your female characters. Baldwin. old money names italian. Archer. 4 – Stylish Argyle Design Blouse. Alexander (Greek) – Defender of the people. Aspegren. Alternatives include Hertha and Ertha. Discover old money girl names for book characters. Silas Continued. Lorraine. Here are some old money last names from the United Kingdom. This French girl name means “famous warrior” and is the feminine form of Louis. Barb. Arya. Ada. Larimer. Estel. Alice is derived from the Old French name Aalis, a diminutive of Adelais that itself came from the Germanic name Adalhaidis, which is composed of the Proto-Germanic elements aþala, meaning "noble," and haidu, "kind, appearance, type. " Nelly 1800’s Girl Names. A variant of Ernestine. Emma. Marie Curie (French scientist), Marie Antoinette (Queen of France) Mélanie. Dupont. Emmett. Daniela. Amaryllis is derived from a Greek route that means “sparkling. " Definition: Blanche signifies purity and fairness. Grosvenor. Hazel (The Hazelnut Tree) Amanda (Loveable, Worthy of Love) Margaux (Pearl) Emmett (Universal, Hard Worker, Truth) Blaze (Fire, Flame) Bailey (agent of the law, debt collector) Apr 3, 2023 · Several of the top old money girl names include monikers with literary connections, such as Antigone and Cressida, or names that were initially more masculine such as Bryce and Schuyler. Mar 24, 2024 · Along with Birdie and Bee, cute unique girl names with nature meanings include Fleur, Lilac, Posey, and Snow. Mar 4, 2018 · Hey! I’m writing a story that surrounds a group of wealthy teens from old money families, set in the modern age, and I was wondering if you could suggest a few names. Lila Blandy Boocock. Prentice. They will have longer full names (Kathleen Barbara, Elizabeth Virginia, and Suzannah Jane) but they will be primarily referred to by their childhood nicknames. Aveline – “Hazelnut” (nn. Mellon. Sep 8, 2023 · Here are some of our favorite Regency Era authors and character names inspired by famous literature. Matilda. Noémie Lenoir (French model and actress) Sylvie. Grant. " Jun 16, 2024 · James: A classic name of Hebrew origin meaning "supplanter". Whether you need ideas for a book character or rp, these aesthetic simple female names & middle names will make your writing come alive. This whimsical name entered the top Norwegian names for girls in the 1970s, rising in popularity since. Nov 8, 2023 · Girl names from the 1800s back in fashion include Violet, Mabel, Phoebe, and Ada. Adelaide. According to the Social Security Administration, the top names Jul 20, 2019 · Sharing is caring! 509. I’ll be posting on the boys’ section too! Thank you. Jul 25, 2023 · Find 400+ luxury girl names inspired by famous, powerful, elegant, and classic women. Florence. Allegra. spanish old money names May 25, 2023 · The goddess name Aurora has consistently been on the US popularity list since the nineteenth century, but has really taken off in the past 30 years. This biblical B name found some favor in the late 1910s and early 1920s but never took quite hold. Impressive, admired, and downright adorable, these cute and costly monikers showcase girly and grandiose qualities. There is a romance and grace about them that is simply unmatched. Bettie. Mar 3, 2020 · Popular Mexican Girl Names. You can scour the Internet, flip through baby naming book after baby name I hope it's useful in some way! Anyway, sorry about the length of this list, but I hope you find it interesting! Mr. Old money names for girls often have a rich history and are associated with nobility, sophistication, and refinement. ELDA. A sweet name that sounds vintage and modern at the same time. Areas like Lombardy and Veneto in the north prefer Leonardo and Sofia. Although these names are in the top ten for boys and girls across Italy, there are big regional differences in the names Italian parents choose. Old Money Names are often associated with a set of values and attitudes that have been passed down through generations. It's a name that has been favoured by kings and nobles throughout history. Lloyd. Matilde. Eleanor F. Arnault – with French Germanic roots, meaning “eagle power. It has been associated with many old-money families, including the Roosevelts and the Vanderbilts, lending it an air of sophistication and grace. (You can also check our list of our favorite vintage names). Field. 1 – Stylish Retro Vintage Room Decor. "Certain boy names for girls, like Bryce and Schuyler, also evoke the old money aesthetic. Agnes – A name derived from Greek meaning “pure” or “holy. Danish girl names. Amanda. Beloved. Hearst. Weitzman– after one of the most expensive shoemakers. " 3. Like all names, vintage names can be divided into different categories. Edward: Of English origin, Edward means "wealthy guardian". Jun 2, 2024 · 150 old-fashioned girls’ names: top vintage names for girls. This one has an English origin. Amelie. It was popularized in the 19th century and was often used by wealthy and aristocratic families. Meaning: Elf battle. Bea. Feb 1, 2024 · Alice is a classic literary name that's both strong and sweet, ranking in the US Top 100 and popular throughout the western world. Antigone. 5 days ago · Honora. This classic name of the old money era is associated with one of history’s most wise and famous people. 5 girl names and 5 boy names Apr 3, 2023 · Last names as first names is already a big trend when it comes to baby names, but you could kick it up a notch with one of these old money last names. S. Du Pont. Abigail. Rare girl names with celebrity and pop culture ties also have a better-than-average chance of becoming less unique. ” As a unique option, we think this appellation sparkles for all the right reasons. 9M views. May 23, 2023 · Sleek and smart, with a hint of mystique about it, Silas is a recent addition to the US Top 100. Calista. In English, it means “old and wise protector. Viola. Germanic origin, meaning mighty in battle. Aug 13, 2020 · Four beautiful Old English girls' names for you to choose from. Mabel. Amy - Latin/French. Tip: If you’re looking for even more dog names be sure to check out our list of 500 popular dog names, 500 cute puppy names & 500 geography inspired dog names. Beatrice. You can’t go wrong with a red polish, and this option from OPI will make you feel like a rich b*tch. Some parents prefer to go with classic names that have a timeless appeal, evoking images of old-world charm and elegance. If you want a name that sounds both sweet and savvy, this list of rich girl names is for you. William. Mélanie Laurent (actress from "Inglorious Bastards") Noémie. Randolph. Eura. Georgina. Stuyvesant. Josephine. These families often have traditional or classic-sounding names that have been around for decades or even centuries. Thankfully, some southern names work great for any gender. Eleanor: A name of Greek origin meaning “light,” Eleanor has been a staple among the elite for centuries. a boy’s name in ancient times common surname. Browse rich names for girls, boys, and gender-neutral options inspired by history, royalty, and tradition. Beth - A diminutive form of Elizabeth. Viola Portia (pig, hog, or doorway) Sophia (wisdom) Susan (lily flower) Tiffany (manifestation of God) Victoria (victory) Violet (purple) In General. Ari. Let . These values include a strong work ethic, a sense of responsibility, and a commitment to family and community. Last popular in the late 19th century in the US, Honora is an old money baby name that should definitely be brought back. Meaning: Ruler of the house. Try out these old-fashioned southern names with a unisex appeal. From royalty-inspired names to fictional characters, here are 345 rich girl names from A to Z. Honora. This blog post will Nov 28, 2023 · Rich girl names are related to the “old money” aesthetic, but they’re a bit different; while old money names tend to be a little more understated and classic, rich girl names have a more Mar 22, 2022 · If you’re thinking about an old lady name, Moss says to look at monikers that were popular in the early 20th century, like Mildred. french old money names. Eugene. Cam, Cammie) Cassandra – “The one who shines and excels over men” (nn. Olivia. Soldi– Corsican word for money; Sterling – after the very old English currency. Find preppy, rich, vintage & fancy girl names with cute nicknames. Jan 10, 2022 · Although some of these names may be old-fashioned or rare girl names from the 1800s that don’t make it to the top of French baby name lists anymore, they were extremely popular in France during the Belle Epoque (1871 – 1914. 2 – Highest Rated Stylish Footwear for Ladies. . A pared-down version of Estelle. Blog, Arrest Your Debt does a great job explaining that old money came from families who generally created their own wealth, but that wealth had to be passed down 4 or more generations to be considered old money. Girly girl names exude femininity, sweetness, and charm. In the south, Francesco and Aurora are more popular. So, if you're after a rare retro name that's sure to turn heads, Eura could be a possibility. Looking for a girl name with classic vibes? We’ve dusted off the history books to round up the best old-school baby names to consider for your baby girl. Carnegie. Blanche: Origin: Derived from Old French, meaning "white" or "fair. Eleanor: This elegant name is of Old French origin, meaning “bright, shining one. Ana. Old-fashioned girl Mar 1, 2024 · So whether you’re manifesting a black heir destined for future leadership or just want a name that implies strength of character, these timeless options for baby boys and girls offer all the distinguished vibes you need. There are the old-fashioned biblical girl names Apr 28, 2020 · Some 1920s girl names may sound antiquated, while others may be contemporary ones you know and hear every day. Eartha - A name meaning 'of the earth'. RELATED: Over 300 Rich Girl Names Unique Rich Boy Names Names that Mean Wealth Old Money Surnames UK Charles - A dignified name often found in old money families. Bethel. 3 million! Tokyo– 5th most expensive place to live; Tywin – after Tywin Lannister, the richest character in Game of Thrones. The top 15 old money last names. Winsome, pleasant, lovely. You’ll find them hidden amongst the names and meanings below. Adeline. Giorgia. Hebrew girl’s name. Adeline Greenleaf Atkins. May 12, 2023 · One popular source of inspiration for baby names is the realm of American old money names for girls. Amber. Vittoria. e. Blossom. Old money names are perfect, whether for you baby or for that novel you’re writing. Hiram. Old Money Names are in! These royal names for girls & rich girl names are simply elegant & classic. And on many a list of classic French names for boys. Questions: do these names sound "old money" enough? Old money girl names have a way of taking you back in time. Camila. Matilda has a regal and sophisticated quality, often associated with noble and affluent families. Discover videos related to Old Money Names on TikTok. This girl's name had a long run of popularity in the 20th century but has since faded from use. Old Money Baby Names: 50 Elegant Girl Baby Names with a Rich History. Nov 2, 2022 - This Pin was discovered by Jana Brown. Ruth Rand. 40. Arthur - Reflects heritage and has been favored by families with Blair being considered 'old money' is probably shaped by the 1980s tv series "The Facts of Life" where the 14 year old Blair Warner was "rewritten as an extremely wealthy and unashamedly spoiled "daddy's girl" and socialite from Manhattan". Miss Maria R. Louise is a perfect old French name that deserves some light again! With over 73000 people in France naming Apr 30, 2024 · 100 Vintage Girl Names We're Bringing Back. This is the name of a region in France, but it’s been in use as a girl’s given name since the late nineteenth century. These fancy names sound rich and exude sophistication. Grace. Tudor. Cass, Cassie ) May 13, 2024 · Choosing a name for your baby girl is an important decision that will stay with her for the rest of her life. 2) Adelaide – German Origin- meaning noble, nobility. Here you will find a list of the most recognizable last names associated with old money. Meaning. Apr 1, 2024 · Henry. Theodora V. Not everyone wants a distinctly male or female name. Deborah. Alma – A Latin name meaning “kind,” or “nourishing. Jul 12, 2023 · Old Money Names for Girls. Amelia: Origin: Germanic, Meaning: Industrious and striving. Find a refined and elegant name for your baby girl from this list of aristocratic and noble-sounding names. From regal British aristocracy to high society America, this rich names list features classic, timeless names that exude wealth and prestige. Jan 16, 2024 · Top Old Money Names for Girls. These old-fashioned baby girl names are classic. 400+ Old Money Girl Names. " Feb 25, 2024 · 10 Rich Last Names From The World’s Wealthiest. Conroy. Can also be a nickname for Beatrice. Hadrian. Alistair (Gaelic) – Defender. Windsor. Here is a list of old-fashioned baby girl names and their meanings. Currently, popular old-fashioned names for baby girls include Margaret, Ruth, Annie, Jane and Alice. Albert (Germanic) – Noble. Ashley. Anthony (Roman) – Priceless one, highly praiseworthy. Eunice. Whether you want your daughter to sound like old money or new money, you can choose from a variety of rich-sounding names for your baby. Our list of 75 old fashioned girl names is filled with gorgeous options from the past that will provide you with plenty of inspiration for the naming of your baby on the way. Old fashioned girl names are making a comeback! If you’re looking for unique, timeless baby girl names, read on for more than 350 wonderful suggestions. ), which overlaps with the British Victorian era (1837-1901) and the Gilded Age in the United States (1870s) Oct 11, 2022 · Shilling – very old English currency. Bryce. Charlotte: A royal name, Charlotte is both classic and fashionable. George - Classic and noble, associated with prestigious lineages. The youngest of the March sisters in the classic novel Little Women. From throwback celebrations to flea markets, we love all things vintage–especially concerning names. So read on for our list of old money baby girl names, baby boy names, and gender-neutral baby names to give your little one a head start. “William” is the Prince of Wales and heir to the British throne. May 15, 2024 · Because of their wealthy, elegant image, the names are very popular today. Charlotte: A classic name of English Jan 1, 2024 · Top Trending Old-Fashioned Baby Girl Names. It was also the name of the ancient English Lord, George Hebert, the 5 th Earl of Carnarvon. Looking for a vintage girl name? Brenda. Dorian. Sep 8, 2020 · From 1900 to 1904, Louise was the fifth most popular name for baby girls in France. Sep 14, 2017 · And really, who among us doesn’t love a good old man name for a dog? Here’s 500 old fashioned dog names. Jul 25, 2023 · Lady of the sea; inspired by the Biblical Mary, mother of Jesus. It’s a very classic name that has more than one meaning. 5) Agatha – Greek Origin- meaning a Good Woman. Meaning: Strong-willed warrior. Old Money Boy Names. Aurora also enjoys remarkable international popularity, ranking in the Top 100 throughout the English-speaking world as well as in Italy, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, and several other European and Mar 22, 2024 - Discover old money girl names for book characters. It originally derives from a Hebrew name meaning "favor" or "grace. Carrie. See more videos about Best Name Ideas, Unique Boy Baby Names, Oldmoney, Short User Name Ideas, Names Starts with J, Baby Names with Powerful Meanings. Empress Matilda was an English noblewoman, the name’s historical usage by aristocratic figures adds to its old money connotation. Emmons. Jan 26, 2024 · Your nails, but better. Estelle. Ashton. Origin: Norwegian. Both mythological and Biblical in origin, Silas joins the ranks of Isaiah, Atlas, Elias, and Sebastian: polished and contemporary feeling names with plenty of history. 8. People like Einstein and Schweitzer lived up to the meaning of their name, i. In Italian it means “a battle maiden,” and in Latin, it means “of advanced age. 4) Adeline – French Origin- meaning noble, nobility. Sep 6, 2023 · Albert. The names Queen Victoria gave her daughters include stylish choices like Adelaide, Alice, Helena, Beatrice and Louise. Elda is a pretty old lady name of Hebrew origin. Barnaby. Buckingham. This old money name holds a history of power and fame. Mar 16, 2022 · Gender-Neutral Old Southern Names You'll Love. Here you’ll find the sweetest vintage girl names around. Alfred (English) – Elf counsel. 3 – Vintage Money Aesthetic Blazer. 3) Adele – French Origin – meaning noble, nobility. It brings to mind Eleanor Roosevelt, a woman of dignity and strength. Abbie. Pearl is on the Cute Old-Fashioned Girl Names list. Agatha Sep 27, 2023 · Millie is a diminutive of Mildred, but it stands on its own these days as it closes in on the top 100 baby girl names. Some nicknames for Elda are El and Elds. Old fashioned names need only be 50 years old to qualify, but if you are looking for something with a richer, more storied past, take a look at these American names that date back to the 19th century. If you're looking for posh baby names with a preppy & rich feel, this list of baby names and meanings is full of hidden gems you'll love! Discover old money girl names for book characters. Charlotte. The March sister with a tragic end in Louisa May Alcott’s classic Little Women. spanish old money names Sep 20, 2023 · Vintage Girl Names Starting with A: 1) Ada – German Origin- meaning noble, nobility. Florian. Arthur (English) – Noble and courageous. We're not making fun of anyone who shares these names—they just bring a smile to our face when we think of them attached to dogs. The name is of Latin origin and indeed means “woman of honor Explore our list of old money names that exudes elegance and sophistication. Old money family names are Bunny, Betsy, and Suzie are 3 very wealthy best friends who are set to inherit millions from their families, set in 80s-90s. “Henry VIII” was made king of England in 1509 and his name has been very popular ever since. These baby names are typically those that have been passed down for generations and often are considered classic, elegant, and timeless. Pandora. Browse names by style, popularity, and origin, from Victoria to Zoe. Jun 6, 2023 · From unique vintage names like Delphine, Clementine, and Seraphina. spanish old money names Apr 18, 2024 · The Top 1,000 Baby Names for Girls. Jan 30, 2024 · Old French boy names. Rosamund. Values and Attitudes. British and American old money families often favour this name. Apr 27, 2024 · Give me your best “old money” names. Catherine It was the name of several queens of England, including Catherine of Aragon, the first wife of Henry VIII. Louise was a very popular name, given to many former kings of France. " Nanette. May 11, 2023 · Alice. Vanderbilt. Araminta. It was the name of the famous Anglo-Welsh Herbert family. Schuyler. Dec 31, 2023 · This name has a timeless quality and is a great option for a traditional names with old money style. The name means “bright army” and has a German origin. Classic Female Dog Names. The top 15 old money girl names. If you want your little darling to have an enchanting epithet Aug 30, 2023 · 100 Vintage & Old Fashioned Names for Girls. Henry: A name of German origin meaning "ruler of the home". ” Both of these names are derived from locations in England. Nicknames: Bea, Trixie, Betty, Bee. Adelia. To vintage names for girls you’ll love like Vivian, Elizabeth, Isabella, and Penelope, there really are a ton of great options to choose from! So, if you are ready to make an old vintage girl name new again, make Top 100 Old Money Last Names. Billy. Ashforth. Stuckslager. Some good old family names from American history are Astor, Vanderbilt, Livingston, Schermerhorn, de Peyster, Schuyler, Havemeyer, Van Rensselaer, Stuyvesant, Rhinelander, Jay, Rutherfurd, Chanler, Goelet, Cushing, Van Cortlandt, Whitney, etc. 1. These include Blue, Banks, Eleven, Venus, and Winslet. Nanette is a French diminutive of another old-fashioned name, Anne. Name combos are very much appreciated!! Basically they’re a group of 4 girls, and 4 boys, all from different families, and have very different personalities and interests. If you like a name that sounds old-fashioned, but prefer a modern first name, consider using the older name for a unique middle name. Little dark-haired girl; dark. Ambrose: This name comes from the Greek word “ambrosios,” meaning “immortal. This neutral brown is ideal for winter outings and is rich in color without being overpowering. Apr 3, 2023 · Emeline. Ambani – of Indian Sanskrit origin, meaning “ (of the) mother goddess,” associated with India’s wealthy Ambani family. Herbert. This name was occasionally used in the first half of the 20th century but dropped off the radar in the second half of the century. It's a name associated with grace and elegance. May 4, 2023 · More: The Ultimate List of Victorian Girl Names. Find out the best names for your little girl that scream luxury, wealth, and sophistication. This is the medieval version of the name Amabilis, which means ‘lovable’. Thaletheia's list "Old Money Names" of 17 great name ideas Old Money Names are in! These royal names for girls & rich girl names are simply elegant & classic. Name. It can also mean “young woman” in Hebrew. Edith - Another name that may imbue luck to any baby girl, meaning 'expensive gift'. Ewing. Alfred. This ultra-sheer nail veil is perfect for a laid-back, old money vibe. Agatha – A name of Greek origin that means “good” and “honorable. Generally, old money refers to families and individuals who have had wealth passed down through generations. Allie. Beatrice: Origin: Latin, Meaning: The bringer of joy and happiness. Old Money families tend to be conservative and value tradition and stability. Origin: From the Old German name “Heimerich”. Darby. 5 days ago · Old Money Baby Names for Girls Amaryllis . Lowell Mar 23, 2023 · Vilde. 800+ Old Money Names for Girls and Boys. Not in the northeastern US, New England area anyway. in 2018 for girls are the same, making these the most popular Mexican girl names. This name symbolizes peace and friendship. Augustus. 6) Agnes – Greek Origin- meaning pure. 2. A cute name for a good-natured May 12, 2023 · The name is elegant and regal, with a beautiful meaning, making it a top choice as an old money name for girls. Wharton. Names that give off strong vintage vibes but haven't made a big comeback yet include Maude, Agnes, Verna, Freda and Ethel. Emeline. " Many boys names were Jul 25, 2023 · Mix up the genders: Many names most commonly given to girls have male counterparts. With a glass-like finish and sheer color, this Jul 9, 2023 · Whether it’s apparel or furnishings, you’ll certainly find something in this place that will whisk you away to a world of elegance and sophistication. Cressida. Unknown. India. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Sep 5, 2022 · Alice – Another old-lady name meaning “noble. Discover posh, preppy and fancy names that are common amongst old money. , “noble,” so you might expect that from your child as well. Winthrop. Astor. Feb 19, 2024 · Find classic, sophisticated names that invoke old money status, wealth, and glamour. Edda - A potentially lucky baby name for any girl, meaning 'rich'. sl kw mf mi mu ox fu qa mv lu